How long before I regret having such a long screen name

If Steve Jobs walked up to you I'd advise you to run like hell because it would mean that the zombie apocalypse was upon us. About time too, I've been stockin up on tinned food since the first episode of th Walking Dead and I'd love me some spam right now.

Let's open a pool on how long it will take to create a Wikipedia entry for "blackrout" once the site's back up. My money is on "between 5 and 8 minutes".

Everybody whose thoughts are as deep in the gutter as mine is thinking it so I'll just be the brave one and say it: The Woz probably just wants porn-y apps on his phone.

I would pay them a foolish amount of money just to let me swing open those doors and get burried in a cascade of 200 000 jelly beans!

Touché :-)

Perhaps it's a desperate attempt at drawing attention to Kodak's extensive patent portfolio in the hope one of Apple's numerous nemeses picks up on the signal and buys the right to use their patents in court.

There's already like, a ton of sub-$175 ICS tablets out there - if you consider 6 to be a ton, and if you're not too demanding on specs, or brand names:

I don't care as long as they speed up development of automatically retracting doors that go "ssssssswwwwwwfffffffftttttttt" as they open. That's all I want.

Your iPhone-mania theory isn't supported by the fact that Samung actually sold a record number of 35 million smart phons in Q4/2011 compared to Apple's 27 million.

On the contrary, if Google's takeover of Motorolla goes ahead, you would expect (wel, _ I _ would expect) one of the first changes to be made be the elimination of Blur an all new Moto Android phones to be vanilla Android.

And yet, the the iRoning is delicious...

Pending on whether the stars fill in for the actual (number of) letters omitted, it could be "tosser", which is a perennially favoured insult in Britain.

Ssssst, they're planning a surprise party to celebrate.

Yeah, seeing as it was his birthday last Sunday and all, you'd think they'd throw him some more love. Oh, wait... THAT Jesus...

Hmm, "McBurg Air", that sounds like a Frenchman trying to say "McBurger".

Looks like Apple is already on a secret quest to find a replacement chip-maker.

"Wherever there's a fake problem, there's an hillarious solution"

Wait, so your solution is to grow a sixth finger? That's magical! Now to come up with a name to give that new finger. My vote goes to "Jobs finger"

How is having eight planes for three people less ecological than having three planes for three people? It's not as if they (the Googlies) can split themselves up and travel on eight planes at the same time, can they.