The supply / demand curve is not a phenomenon the government should get involved in.
The supply / demand curve is not a phenomenon the government should get involved in.
killing two major characters is big for the show, 3 is going to be too many.
Wow, we are in exactly the same situation with the same half eaten smooth and crunchy jars, but I went ahead and tossed them out last night.
Pretty much guts IVF because doing it one embryo at a time would be kinda insane and even more insanely costly.
I’m not saying that the world would be a better place if Tim Scott’s mother had aborted him, but...
I can’t find any news of it, but there is a story around Houston that women at a local university are leaving used tampons around campus as a quiet protest, and evidently the younger sister of one student has started it at a high school.
frustration we feel with the idiots who seem to enjoy voting against their own interests
Trump: I’m going to nominate a woman.
Trump: I am going to nominate a woman.
I generally love your writing Jay, but you’ve got a dick-sized blind spot for Kobe that is merrily fucking women without their consent.
The Cosby Show really was great TV. Bill also did some hilarious standup routines.
How will he explain ending a vital child tax credit while we are staring down another COVID-19 surge?
Lakers likely will win more games with Westbrook out.
Sadly, more than half the Supreme Court are on the monster’s side.
They are not voting against their interests at all.
The NFL is trash, but AB did not “mislead” or “misrepresent” things.
a campus food pantry that provides assistance to the faculty and staff of the university
It is important to keep in mind that two or three different prosecutors delayed and/or declined to pursue charges against these racist asshats.
Sadly, it is looking much more like the latter than the former.
I dunno, a whole lot of us spend a whole lot of time wishing a whole bunch of misogynistic, racist asshats would just die already so that the country can maybe have a few nice things.