
On the one hand, a great basketball player.

As soon as you realize that [something] is a problem, you should fix it. Don’t be a dumbass. That’s where my heart is. I would never dream of hurting anybody on purpose.”

I’m enough of a political junkie to remember the rumors and gossip prior to Obama picking Biden, and then the controversy over whether or not Hillary was vetted or ignored. Even Hillary picking a VP was dissected for weeks before the announcement.

VPs are generally not announced until right before the convention. As I check my watch, it looks to be before the convention this year as well.

The “suburban housewife” will be voting for me.

Alternatively:  Study finds that women believe men who do not wear masks have smaller dicks.

Breaking news from a research study: Wearing a mask makes your dick bigger.

Twinkie’s are just lard some cake accidentally fell into.

Says you.

Until you find me a mug as big as my bowl, you can just keep this incredibly bad take to yourself.

I mean, who among us has not inadvertently given the Nazi salute?

Gets appointed as a Trump campaign advisor in 3, 2, 1...

Hey, don’t kink shame!

Biden could kill and eat a kitten on live television AND pick Ivanka as his running mate, and I’d still probably vote for him over Trump in November.

A program that was promptly defunded by the GOP because the bottom line is that they do not want unmarried and/or poor women to have sex.

Since 1952, only two presidential elections have featured a majority of white women voting Democrat...But election after election, while women as a whole usually vote Democrat, white women almost always vote Republican.

Normally, I would agree, but then folks with a bit more melanin tend to find themselves in jail (or dead) if people see it.  

It is nice that the family is responding with love and using it as a teaching moment, and I’m not one to promote physical violence, but maybe samurai george needs the shit kicked out of him a time or two on the downlow, with no one watching.   

While Karen there is mighty problematic, they showed up and got tear gassed for their troubles for at least a few nights in a row.

Ted Cruz