
This is one of the clearest cases of racial discrimination that even Justice Scalia couldn’t find a way to excuse it.”

Holy fuck. I did not realize that the first time I saw the pictures.

I’ll give you that generous read of the quote, but the more enraging part is thanking him for the patience of being arrested and humiliated while the Meth Clampets waved and laughed at him.

“As I told Mr. McCray, if I were faced with similar circumstances, I would have probably done the same thing,” the Sheriff said in a statement. “I have apologized to Mr. McCray, and I appreciate his patience as I have worked through these matters.”

Alex, I’ll take “Things a white person would say for $200"

I’m sure that the date and locations were intentionally picked because it will mark the start of Trump’s successful outreach to the Black community.

but what this stance on kneeling does is show you are fucking ignorant - not white.

Our police chief is pretty OK, and the protests have been generally peaceful.

Folks need to learn that sometimes, you need to just not say anything.

I think you left off the “in” before arguably.

The dude is ex-military and I believe from West Point.

Of course, and I don’t think any candidate is doing that. Obviously Biden and Trump are trying to persuade people.

Given all that everyone knows about Trump right now, and even the least informed of us are aware of Trump, I’m not sure folks are persuadable.  

In fact, Biden is reportedly fairing worse than Hillary Clinton with the under-40 set: His lead among 18 to 34-year-olds is narrower than Clinton’s was to President Trump during the last stretch of the 2016 election cycle.

Well sure, if the “Democratic establishment” is comprised of several million folks spread across lots of states that fucking voted.

Objectively, I know being a cop is a tough job. It just is.

I love, love, love the semi-hung-over breakfast buffets in vegas. All the bacon I can eat is a pretty good amount of bacon.

The worst thing that Biden will say in the entirety of this campaign will still be better than what Trump says on any random Tuesday.

I don’t think anyone was surprised that Black voter turnout for Hillary was lower than Obama’s.

Fun fact: James Brown called his penis the brownie spatula.