
I would have loved, loved, loved a response like this:

Well Bernie would not have been my choice, but I’m happy that a group of women of color are not endorsing Biden (not that this group would do that, but Biden is remarkably strong with black voters).

The original US constitution fucked over Black people, and the 2nd amendment surely does as well.

First, the racist Braves were out, and now the right-way Cards are gone. All we need now is for the Yankees to implode, and all will be right in the world (well, except for Trump, and well, Brexit, and North Korea, and, well, you know what I mean).

This is the correct answer, not a compromise.

I think the clear moral of this story that we should always remember is that Hillary sucks, has always sucked, and will always suck.

Nah, if their physical safety is sincerely threatened by a pretty bland 7-word tweet, they have no business being over there in the first place.

Morey’s tweet is equivalent to Trump’s attempted trade war with China. “

the United States has committed awful acts and made its share of terrible decisions in its time. But it never directly caused a famine in the name of idealistic stupidity that killed tens of millions of its own inhabitants.”

A black man called the police to check on his black neighbor.

If we throw away all trust in those who are supposed to serve and protect us, then what are we left with?”

In fairness, no one can really stop a wet fart.

Look, Soto is a kid, and he’s clearly not grabbing his crotch the right way. I would expect some veteran leadership in the locker room to show him how to grab his crotch the right way.”

Mr. Harriot,

things would have gone differently if he just had thought a little harder about his glove placement.

Look, I think there are plenty of valid reasons to disagree with Trump. His policies are generally horrible and his rhetoric debases our society, but it seems like we should be above snarky comments regarding his fat, hamberder filled ass, his nuclear fallout colored skin, hair that looks post-nuclear fallout, and

Four guys in the middle of the lineup (Altuve, Bregman, Alvarez, and Gurriel) are all hitting above .300, but they haven’t strung together hits, and Springer and Brantley aren’t doing much nor is the bottom of the lineup.

Holy shit that is a very big circle.

Coincidentally, your wife is my favorite wife not on my team as well.