
yeah, whatever. crush that shit.

I think you should be able to know if you are going to be able to commit to a particular person within about a year or so. Especially if you're not complicating things with sex. The decision should be straightforward by then and probably sooner.

Willow Smith looks adorable! Wow.


That is a high bar, my friend.

It's a problem for us, though, because the republicans ask unfair ("when did you stop beating your wife?") questions all the time. Mitt's Libya disaster during the debate is the first time I've seen anyone actually experience blowback on a question like that.

Actually, I think it kinda is a lesson when we are talking about what entities we should entrust with what functions. Some want our government to be very small, with the entire safety net being replaced by charity magic. And these are examples of how charities can be incompetent (to put it nicely) in their work.

I got one at 8 weeks because the doc got a new ultrasound machine she wanted to try out.

Nah, they go on to be grief whores.

And then there are the many surprising changes that a parent goes through, like the fact that you all of the sudden are interested if not obsessed with the shape, consistency and frequency of someone's poo. I mean, really, I don't even know myself anymore.

How did they get those kids not to scream and run away? Because I wanted to!


I didn't think I was a dried up old biddy yet, but apparently I am! Can't stop judging the everliving crap out of this.

They need to have relatively high calorie protein, not cauliflower. You can't eat enough cauliflower to meet your nutritional needs.

I totally support LeAnn's decision to enter REHAB — blah blah blah REHAB.