
Let's not get too excited it ain't like I'm opening floodgates πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Perfect response.


At least I'm honest about it lol

While I will conceded to part of your statement I will say that I believe Chicago is an exception to that rule especially given their history. As a resident more than a few of these issues could be fixed/could have been avoided in addition the after affects of certain events have had negative implications on…

Unfortunately that is a question I cannot answer mainly because I don't have the knowledge or resources to create said solution in the current environment . If anything I can be a voice for the most affected areas given that I am a former product of it.

I'm not saying it will stop violence 100 percent (that is unfortunately unrealistic) but it would be a great start. While things like pride and respect play a role in gang life…..fiances is another leading factor (at least from what i've seen)

I'm all for paying my fair share but with things like this it's clear much isn't being accounted for.

In this case I'm not saying the taxes should be lowered but for the amount coming in yet we are constantly in deficits/shortfalls the money isn't going towards what is needed (see cps)

Specifically the root causes that lead to the symptom of violence (which isn't really new per se it has just gotten more visibility) have never actually been addressed. Off the top of my head (lack of educational and economical resources, home environment and racial/class related laws/sanctions. When you bring things…

This is also true people have been leaving for a few years for various reasons (Cost of living, poor schools, goverment,taxes, lack of positions depending on sector)

This is true despite the tax revenue. We have some of the highest sales tax in the country for example.

It's quite sad to witness in real time.

if you want it yeaaaaah

also the history of Chicago politics is a perfect example of both parties being full of bs in local form.

Been saying this forever but unfortunately we now live in a world where opinion/assumption/ignorance outweighs facts and actual research because bizzarro world.

I didn't recognize him lol

I mean I just want to borrow him real quick lol

Aww thanks :)

Don't lie to yourself like this lol