He's Hip, He's Cool, He's Pennywise.
He's Hip, He's Cool, He's Pennywise.
I love bits where you can tell Chappelle was just throwing things against the wall after multiple takes to see what sticks. How that line just comes out of nowhere apropos of nothing except the fact that he's playing Samuel L. Jackson is the best part.
I thought this was going to be a Nardwuar video for a second.
To be honest it seems like that's what he's doing anyway, and it comes across a little awkward, at least in the editing of this trailer.
I'd like to see the climax of the new Ghostbusters involving the team barreling through multiple alternate dimensions before falling for a moment into one where they're on the set of Ghostbusters III and Bill Murray's in full costume:
As long as those reruns are a healthy portion of seasons 1-10, you don't have to be for me, baby.
I thought one interesting thing the remake did was briefly entertain the idea that Freddy was innocent. The victim of parental hysteria after the kids played a game with him they took too far or didn't understand the ramifications of. It still leaves in the angle that he kills the kids to punish the parents, but gives…
W-wait…is this comment SINCERE?
That was the moment where I was like "Oh wait this isn't just going to be 'fine.'" Showalter is the series champ for me so far with that plus stuff like [EPISODE 2 AND 3 SPOILERS]Ms. Patti Pancakes and Ronald Reagan[/EPISODE 2 AND 3 SPOILERS]
The Redford/Newman joke is my favorite Hamburger bit.
If I were putting money on something 90s, Disney Channel-friendly, and starring Jim Breuer, it would have been an animated Goat Boy spinoff.
If that's the case then this article is the Indiana about articles concerning Chief Keef.
I unapologetically love that movie. Also I'm sorry.
This was a hilarious bit from that episode:
Looks like I'll be seeing YOU at the Dumpster Dive, stinnystin.
Not a bad book, though.
I'd definitely like to see Rachel McAdams peg Doctor Strange.
Taking that farther, what will this movie have to say that "Son of the Beach" hasn't already said?
Which, as an actor on the set of Fury Road, must have been some pretty heinous mistreatment in his opinion.
This is truly the "Will Ferrell in Old School's 'We're going streaking!'" of attempts to drum up buzz for a project.