It's got a big "Robert Altman's Secret Honor" vibe that it's pressing my buttons.
It's got a big "Robert Altman's Secret Honor" vibe that it's pressing my buttons.
There's something about how he says something like "Can't blow Donut Day!" that is at once sarcastic and sincere. It's a marvel to experience.
I enjoyed it but it definitely is the "morning after eating too much Halloween candy" of superhero movies. I mean holy shit. A lot of the action is incoherent because I think there's just literally too many beats to film properly no matter how good of a director you are.
I would play the ever-loving shit out of Nidhogg in a bar. It's a perfect "drinking game."
I *am*!
I kind of think a Fugiitive-esque TV adaptation of "It Follows" would be pretty cool, but yeah, go ahead with this idea too, dudes. I'm open to it.
He built it in a cave, WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!
I never understood how it was supposed to work exactly, anyway. I couldn't find any information about it. Is it like some sort of bendy, thin alloy?
Two years ago the humor and music in this video was only say…25 years late in terms of freshness and taste. Holy shit.
Psychobilly is great but it's obvious the best place to start with it is in the Beavis and Butthead clip for Rev. Horton Heat's "Psychobilly Freakout."
Aw, no! You did NOT shoot that green shit at US!
I'd like to see Brad Bird's "Family Dog" remade with Lockjaw and the Inhumans.
I feel like the boardrooms of DC/WB are filled with people who've all decided to be like George Costanza and succeed by doing the opposite of everything, except for some reason they think they should be doing the opposite of Disney/Marvel.
I'm not saying it will be easy, but together, we can hack the planet and get DC away from WB and under the umbrella of Disney/Fiege.
Yeah. Some things like Zach Snyder DC movies have to pander to far, far worse things.
Endut! Hoch hech!
"Oh my god. This man is my exact double. [gasp] That dog has a puffy tail!"
War Horse was popular? I mean I really like that movie. I find it a really terrific tribute to a very 50's-esque, sentimental and mawkish tradition. But I couldn't tell you one other person I've met who has anything but indifference for it.
You're bad.