A House In Virginia

It’s called a bourdaloue, and you use it like so:

I LOVE THIS! Sending myself a whole bunch of links to read up tonight...

Pray Daily for the women who abort, their children, and the providers.

If you want to keep government out of your uterus, turn your uterus into an LLC. Then every Tea Party nutjob will defend Zbornak Uterus, LLC and call you a job creator. Maybe you’ll get a lower tax rate too?

According to republicans, vaginas are illegal.

Some of the media have a real jones for this creep. He’s anything but “moderate,” though when you place him alongside Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio or Mike Huckabee, or, at least in terms of the rhetoric, Herr Trump, he starts to look...NAH, can’t type it, I just can’t.


After they finish off the sluts. GOPriorities.

If you hate him, imagine what it’s like having him as your governor. (Unless you’re also an Ohioan. Then you know our pain.)

What do you think his username on Ashley Madison was?

I roll my eyes so hard when people say “Buy American made cars (i.e. Ford, GE ect..).” Both of my Japanese cars were manufactured in my home state.

And “made in America” often doesn’t mean made in the 50 states. They’re often made in American territories, like the Mariana Islands, under sweatshop conditions. That’s something people really don’t get.

I humbly suggest you move in next door to me and we become friends.

I double flipped off my 12 year old yesterday behind his back.

but I do really enjoy not ever feeling judged for drinking/clubbing/travelling while my kid is being babysat.

I have a pre-teen daughter. “Jerk” is the least of the things I’ve called her in my head. Because pre-teen and teen girls will do and say things that will make you want to call them everything but a child of God, and if you don’t have the freedom to admit that you do not possess perfect little angels, and that

We can't seem to let of go of our Puritan-inspired (actually I would say 'dominated') origins: hence our defiant hypocrisy.

A fellow parent gave you the stink-eye for calling your kid a jerk? There is not a parent alive who hasn’t called their kid that or worse. I love my little boy dearly, but there are times when he’s a real asshole; I have no issue saying this.

As a non-American, this was a very interesting read to me. I have a 1 1/2 year old, and I can honestly not relate to any of this. Part of me is kind of scared that this is because I only hang out with alcoholics - but on a more serious note I think there are some significantly different cultural approaches to the