We should be, we really should be better than this...
We should be, we really should be better than this...
I wish throwing shoes at people was a culturally accepted form of political dissent in this country. Like what happened to Bush in Iraq. That was hilarious.
I thought republicans were the “Christian, moral responsibility, religious freedom” party? Well, no Christian would turn away innocent defenseless people, so they aren’t that. Syrian refugees are FLEEING FROM ISIS and had nothing to do with the attacks so republicans aren’t that either. These innocent people just…
Women’s shelter my ass - I would let her and her kids stay at my place (bonus - my place is at least 1200 miles away from the Duggars) and all she would have to do is promise to divorce his ass and take him to the cleaners for alimony and child support.
It’s heartbreaking, but I think not for the reasons she thinks it is. They seem to honestly believe the media exposure is the destructive force, and not the actions of Josh Duggar himself, much less the culture that fostered and covered for that behavior. My heart goes out to her, honestly.
It’s because they aren’t upset that Josh abused his sisters or cheated on his wife. They are upset that a reporter discovered that those things happened and made them public. They weren’t upset when it was their secret.
Apparently, her own mother and father are in the tank for the Duggars.
It is heartbreaking. It would be heartbreaking even if there weren’t kids involved and even if you divorced him. Infidelity sucks.
Ugh. TLC, you and the Duggars are the worst. Both of you.
I’m shuddering because Anna looks a lot like Bristol Palin in that pic. Bleeeach!