This hits deeper than 9/11.
This hits deeper than 9/11.
mleh. I’m hipster when it comes to La Minogue.
YUP!!! So spot on.
I hate to say it, but: indigenous descent.
Oregon’s openly-bisexual governor should kick him where his balls shoulda been.
Saw her on Maddow last night... was she drunk/stoned?
Now THIS is actually a thing!!
“Gay Pride Parade Bloody Mary Bar” is the worst thing ever on record.
she’s def gotten touched up recently.
Given the rough patch she had after the first trilogy, this makes me SO HAPPY.
Edna got confused with Patti—- same woman?
Got into trouble last year commenting that they all look like dumb hookers.
Vote Republican: We
GotPaid Someone To Sleep With Us, So We Can’t Be All That Bad
he was never anti-gay marriage. If you want to call that “triangulation” (a la HRC) that’s fine, but also be aware that when people lob this “anti-gay-marriage” thing, they’re obfuscating that the Rightwing had a stranglehold on “values” for much of the past 30 years.
just got back from a cruise where a bunch of Floridians were telling me that if I think Obama actually cares about LGBT people, I’m more ignorant than they thought.
all men should moisturize.