
I love Neil Diamond so I was actually sweating it out harder for him than Cary.

I thought the FAL "change" was a change designed to protect the firm's identity, but then the other words immediately made me realize what was happening.

I may have squeed a little when Artie Bucco came onscreen. I am so attracted to that man.

The grades are based on the individual series, not TV as a whole.

You have to realize that on a project touched by Shonda Rhimes, there is a lot of conversation (subtle or not) about race. Especially now that Scandal was given to her. Most of Olivia's conversations with her parents have an undertone of race - their expectations of her, her love life and how they disapprove, their

Yes. Without Viola (and Bonnie after that fired scene) this show is ABC Family quality.

I believe Kayla is expressing a popular opinion, that it is harder for black people to prove themselves and truly succeed in white-collar career paths. This is expressed on Scandal through Eli Pope's "twice as good" speech to Olivia. For these two kids to have this opportunity, to go to this prestigious law school and

Oh wow, I just looked at some photos. On The Carrie Diaries she looked very "white CW actress" to me but in some of the photos I just saw she does look more Portuguese in her coloring and features (Google "Katie Findlay Bailey House"). I think any character on a show named Rebecca is probably going to be coded as

I was hoping Bonnie would kill Sam to get back in Annalise's good graces - some female Sopranos shit that would have been amazing to see two solid actresses work on together.

"Sexy photos that were sent to…your boyfriends?" was the last item on the list. If those photos even had the girls in a bra, it would be a legal issue if Jane shared them.

I assumed Jane found information that could hurt the two and used that as leverage - I think the character is too kind and prudent to distribute child pornography.

Visually beautiful, but I was expecting a LOT more.

Talking about the chemistry on the bench…what an honest moment of flirting. You don't see that a lot - that type of "make me" flirting. You usually just see angst or ridiculous come-ons like on HIMYM. It felt very natural and I liked that.

I think Cary meant to out her connection to Kalinda, not necessarily out her as a lesbian. I think he might have done the same if it was a man Kalinda was sleeping with.

The character is so bland to me. She's just your typical USA Channel Brunette in a Suit. Now if we were dealing with a Natalie Dormer, a Gina Torres, I would be invested. Lana's boss calling her into the office at the end was the first time the character has interested me.

I cracked up, CRACKED UP this week when Prady said "my dad was a musician" and my mind immediately went to "She's Such A Groovy Lady." Last week or so ago, he said that his dad was a cop as well. It has to be deliberate.

We have no idea how we would have responded to her kissing him. Clearly he's interested, but then when she says "I wish these offices didn't have glass doors" he immediately leaves without agreeing. Granted, you could take that as him being flustered or just getting out of there before he tries anything, etc. but I

You really noticed that Czuchry lost weight this season - poor thing looked like skin and bones in Bishop's house. He looked almost yellow in some of the lighting and his eyes looked much more pronounced. He gave me a very old-school noir vibe in those moments and I really liked it. I wonder if the weight loss was a

Did anyone else fear that Alicia's outtakes would have been obtained by Prady in some way? There are two where she's either saying something that could be spun as controversial or just rolling her eyes, etc. Maybe just a lesser show would have done that, but I'm not ruling out her sarcasm and dryness as something that

Shonda is going into comedy, working on a pilot with Scott Foley writing. So I think she actually wants to take over everything at ABC.