
Yeah they are deliberately trying to mess with us there. It's confusing, though - he gets her to the bar and tries to get her to drink, then warns her about Castro, then brings up the DUI in a small way, then gives her a speech putting him in Castro's bad graces. Is he a mole for Castro now? Is he fighting against

Maybe the actor is familiar with that language? They could have made the hackers any ethnicity.

How only one person came close still astounds me. That goddamn scene.

I am the stuffy "politically correct" person in any collection of people anywhere and that line always always makes me laugh. It is the only disparaging (or anywhere close to) gay joke that makes me laugh.

Nick Miller on New Girl had an entire scene focused on a similar joke: that "he doesn't wash towels; towels wash me".


Didn't Reyna have a somewhat Spanish accent in her last appearance? I remember hearing something that sounded somewhat foreign. Not this week.

Aaaand you're an asshole! It's called tact.

Austin Powers, Wayne's World, Shrek perhaps, and I remember enjoying the second Bring it On.

I have been confused about Ali and Dale's sexcapades. I literally thought the he took her to a stranger's house or a vacation home of his to indulge in a fantasy, and that her surprise at the end (in his real house) was an inkling of feeling of this dude being a fetishy creep, or living some kind of lie, or something

Look, if Cake doesn't go well for Jen, it's not like her and Owen really have anything else to do. Has a movie-to-tv adaptation with major cast changes ever worked well? My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Ferris Bueller…

SEAN O'NEAL! (I knew this was him before even opening the article)

And Gina Torres to stretch the rest. I think that dude is doing okay right now.

I am SO READY for Galavant. John Stamos is guest-starring AND it can delightfully crash and burn? Sign me the hell up. Either outcome will have me enjoy it.

I think you may be right, but if Andre's company is a startup he may not make as much as you'd think. Did they indicate that the company is like a Forbes-level enterprise?

What is that dance called?! That particular set of dance moves always always makes me laugh.

The photos they used when announcing his being cast were underwhelming. On the show? DAAAAAAAAMN.

I think it was funnier because they were older - how many "what's a record, Mom" jokes are fresh these days? It's been done. I think it was intentionally jokey but maybe also a "do they really not remember" option underneath.

I was waiting for that and he doesn't even run after Fitz? Dumb.

I think that was the way to wake him up.