
Eh. I'm a super picky feminist and I didn't see a gender issue with that joke in the slightest. I did just wish there were more female characters or…better females. A small Lego Hermione Granger cameo would have delighted me. (considering that Lego Harry Potter is a game and massive toy collection)

Or had more interaction/teamwork between the two females in the group. Bechdel.

I loved it because (as a woman who has a hard time relating to the fratty, "no homo" sexism in a lot of teen movies) I thought this movie was hilarious and yet really inclusive for almost anyone who wanted to see it. I didn't feel offended by the male or female characters. The writers also really paid attention to

I'd put Wreck-It Ralph over it because of the appeal to both genders (a more compelling female lead) and the excellent casting that stood out as a series of brilliant choices. Like, having Jack McBrayer involved? Great. I love Chris Pratt, but his and Elizabeth Banks and even the small parts like Will Forte's lines

That may be the best use of Will Arnett I've ever heard.

I said "wow" out loud probably seven times throughout that movie, and the shower droplets and the ocean were two of them. The detail was insane. They could have made that just like billowing horizontal sheets of blue, but the unique animation lent some creativity to the movement of LEGOs and I loved it.

I agree - you see a human form in Emmet's vision a few minutes in and the band-aid, etc. are clearly shown and described as relics from a past era that we would naturally associate as human. (I did wonder if this movie was going to go the route of the LEGOs taking over Earth as some weird political plastic and

It's a surprise that you can see coming though. I'm trying to not spoil more but if you look and listen closely you'll guess what's happening.

Amber "Social Climber" Heard and Johnny "Fake New Accent" Depp would be Wallace and Vega I assume?

Shit. DAMNIT that's good.

I'm a little annoyed at the absence of demon monster Patchface because I was hoping he would be important somehow in the books. Otherwise he's a creepy fucking jester I've had to put up with for several books. I think GRRM would have told HBO to put him in if he came up in a big way later.

I believe there's a (SPOILER) wedding come episode 4-6 that begs to differ.

But I mean, they did marry the two on the show, and gave explicit moments of flirtation/love on the show. The "Rivers night are spent with me" moment was also on the show. I think River should have gotten a goodbye, because I don't know how they'd bring Alex back unless they reverse River's death. I'm mad about that

She looked flighty. After season 5 where she marries Rory, they could have resolved that flighty issue (which was unappealing to me - she's engaged, seems disinterested in her fiancé, and then snogs the Doctor - what is that) and focused on another issue.
I hate the webseries bits. The fact that River was written off

I mean filler is one thing but Moffat Who has filler I don't enjoy, at all. Some of it I do (Doctor's Wife) and some I loathe (the second Gaiman episode, the dollhouse). If you can make one-off stories that either educate the characters, move them towards development, or render some kind of long-term impact you're

RTD was better at long-term plots (look at the Face of Boe reveal - what a great little thing to do after all that time) and Moffat is better at grand, epic, one or two-part stories (Blink, The Girl in the Fireplace, The Doctor Dances). If those two had been still working in their same capacities with the revitalized

That's an issue with Moffat though - where a lot of 9 and 10's episodes (even one-offs) still felt connected (like where Bad Wolf might be shown really quick on a poster) a lot of 11's episodes are just like "Oh, here are some dolls! Here's a dinosaur (granted that's a fun one)! Here are some pirates!" They feel

Smith has almost eclipsed my love for Tennant, because Matt Smith is an acting legend in the making. He's a fabulous Doctor, but unfortunately has to carry a lot of terrible filler episodes (there's one with like demonic dolls and it's not even campy), so his seasons writing-wise are not always stellar.

I tried it and Susan Foreman was so grating to me that I just stopped with the first Doctor. I might try Pertwee eventually because I'm confident in predicting that I'll have a crush on him, and I'd like to try Tom Baker as well.

Game of Thrones is also quite intelligent and yet epic.