
Our asshat of a governor here in Maine (LePage) went on a little tantrum about Pingree not attending calling on her to resign.

Can you imagine the temper tantrum he is having right now? He’s throwing the biggest, bestest party and no one will come. All of the cool kids are ignoring him. At least Ivanka will pee there for him.

It is entirely heartless and sociopathic. They are literally signing death warrants. I don’t know how you can so removed from reality that you think getting rid of people’s health insurance is a good idea.

I’m so fucking angry. My parents were finally able to afford healthcare for the first time since we lost our house during the housing crisis. ACA obviously has problems, but the solution has never been snatching away healthcare from people who desparately need it.

Let’s face it, 240 years was a pretty good, if not unprecedented, run for any republic. Now you’re all set for a despotic banana republic. Good luck with it.

Two things he said this morning:

The primary is over. Our candidate lost, but your precious - the one who actually voted for that crime bill, in case you fucking forgot - lost, too. You are not on this day going to shit on Lewis. Not today, Satan. Go take your purity bullshit elsewhere.

John Lewis is objectively a better human being than I am. If I were him I would have just said, “you know what? Fuck ALL y’all, I’m out. I’m leaving with President Obama. I didn’t get my skull fractured to watch you ignorant motherfuckers fuck everything up. Peace out.”

Their website straight up says that all are welcome, including men who support women’s rights.

Is he implying the Trump pick has been lying his entire life??? FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS... you’re all whiny bitchey snowflakes... blah blah blah.. ignore reality!!!

FDR didn’t promise to do those things *before* he was elected. Trump did. He literally said he would put muslims into interment camps. People asked him how that was different than japanese americans in WWII and his answer was “You tell me!”....

off topic but are you familiar with @propanejane on twitter? she is a psychiatrist who has an interesting take that trump is in alzheimers and his kids, esp ivanka, are his caretakers. not into conspiracy theories AT ALL but she is solid and makes a compelling argument. she said actually that he is in a bad situation

Good. No one associated with anything traditional should be anywhere near his ass to sully themselves. Everything about this inaugeration - and this presidency, really - should have to be harder for him than it has been for previous presidents just to ram home the point that this presidency is not normal.

To be fair, no one else in the world calls it Doctors Without Borders except Americans, and Americans within the organization also call it MSF/Medecins Sans Frontieres (full disclosure: I’m in the volunteer pool).

Totally on board with the pretentious asshat bit, though. I’m glad I muted it and only have to read about

My days of wanting to be nice to everyone ended about a third of the way through November. Fuck em. Let the people who voted for him show some personal responsibility and pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. I’ll be limiting my concern to non-fascists.

This money does not cover abortion services, instead, it goes to basic reproductive healthcare such as cancer screenings, contraception, and STI testing.

Has he ever been to a Planned Parenthood, talked to the workers there or had a dialogue with the women who need their services. Or does he just think that’s its some abortion theme park with free contraceptions in the gift shop?

Fine they can put in legislation that basically bans abortions and defund PP.

According to Republicans, the only two problems facing U.S. citizens today are women having abortions and transgender people attacking children in public restrooms.