
This piece is worth reading if you want him to get the death penalty

Hell is too good for this evil human being. I know the church and many of the families of victims do not want to see him get the death penalty and I support them.

Seeing the video exhibits of him just casually walking out of the church and driving off after inflicting such horrific damage will always stay with me. Or

The fuck?

White Helmets, nurses, doctors, Doctors Without Borders, etc are all heroes.

Intellectual purity is indeed a problem for the left. I see it so often.

A genocide is unfolding in front of us and people are being slaughtered - so I just can’t *wait* for Wolf Blitzer or god knows who else to instead focus on speculating about Kanye!

These racist dipshits always hide behind anonymity. I’d love to know who wrote this and where this person works. These useless, cowardice motherfuckers need to be exposed. Although you can almost guarantee that if they were exposed they’d play the victim.


Videos and bodycams are still no match for people who decided a long time ago that black lives don’t matter. Or that cops can kill with impunity because ~all cops must be good~. The evidence was clear and overwhelming - but as long as a cop says they feared for their life none of that evidence seems to actually matter

This feels more like a “I hate Jeet Heer” piece tbh.

24? I need to see her birth certificate.

I have to laugh that it’s always the left labeled special snowflakes when grown ass adult Trump supporters are fighting with Broadway, Starbucks and Kelloggs all at once. Boycott Froot Loops and Pop-Tarts!

Trump will be the Gaslighter in Chief.

I want to launch James and his mediocre, no talent ass into the sun.

I’m sure the Bundy bros and all their supporters will head to North Dakota to help.

I’m tired of hearing about how his tweets are a distraction. He’s going to be POTUS. His tweets are pretty fucking important. That he whines and tweets out baseless shit is scary and sets a dangerous precedent. I also think he’s just stupid, impulsive and unhinged - so his tweets reflect those character traits. In

Maybe we should focus more on talking to your nazi nephew.

Darren looks like a Twitter egg.

My Queen