
@nutbastard: I saw a 3d demo running on DLP tv's back in '06 at siggraph. I think it's pretty fucked up that the tv manufacturers are telling consumers to buy brand new tv's. The guys running the booth said essentially it would work with any tv. Oh yeah the quality was excellent too.

@ReconToaster misses garnett :(: I think the big surprise is that it's coming out on ps3, and the whole steam for ps3 thing. I hope i'm wrong though a new half life would make me really happy.

@William Henry Harrison: My friends are the same, all have ps3's and 360s, and we all choose to play mp games on the 360. I think a lot of it is how dead simple (and universal!) they made connecting, inviting, partying, etc, etc, etc on live. Want to invite someone to a game? It's almost ALWAYS the x button. I

@VincentGrey: it worked for guardian heroes.... and the capcom D&D game.

@PossibleCabbage: Yeah i know, i was kind of hoping that the anti-trust thing w/ reebok and the apparel corp (forget the exact name) where the court ruled the NFL couldn't sell exclusivity contracts would extend to televised games as well. Guess not... or at least not yet.

@cannibaltooth: i did that 2 months ago. Cut off the comcast and watch tv strictly via playon or netflix streaming. Don't miss tv one bit, but NFL is going to be rough. I believe u'll be able to catch all the games via ustream.tv or justin.tv though.

no NFL??? :(. That looked tailor made for fantasy football watchin.

@Kethaebra: Sony didn't leave vibration off the sixaxis because they felt it wasn't important, they left it off because they were in the midst of a lawsuit w/ immersion. Notice the moment it was settled the dual shock 3 came out. I agree that kinect or whatever is pretty lame tho.

@DocSeuss: i'd also love to see something new on project offset but i think it might be officially done. Intel removed the site from their servers and the old project offset site hasn't seen an update in like 2 years :(.

@Tpadz: i don't understand the hate battle.net 2.0 is getting, i think it's awesome. I did hear that chat channels were disabled and would be in the final release. Is it the whole LAN issue? I didn't play broodwar at all and only briefly played the first starcraft online so i'm not really sure what kind of features

@DugDawg: hell yeah it is. Did you still feel dread everytime you hit the end turn button? I loved going from crappy soldiers w/ machine guns to flying badass psychics w/ blaster bombs.

No, Brian, you are NOT being overly harsh. That was not X-com. What the hell was up w/ the aliens too? Black inky blobs? I thought we'd at least see a Sectoid.

@Dayvie: you sound almost.... proud(?) to be a PS3 fanboy.

@Jeremy: same here. My iphone3G has survived several drops in the parking lot while i was overburdened with stuff. The screen is in perfect condition. (there is a tiny crack on the back by the lock switch though) I must say i'm really impressed with the build quality.

@clearzero: Hey that's totally your prerogative man. Afterall blindly trusting people on the internet is a bad idea :-p. I will say this, my iphone gets better than advertised battery life. Both of my macbook pro's (i've had a 17" coreduo and this new 15" which is replacing it) have had worse than advertised. Take

@skraelingshortbus: I'm starting to think that, cause the amount it's off by is kind of crazy.

@skraelingshortbus: they overrate the battery just like every other manufacturer on the planet earth. Trust me, i have a brand new macbook pro with the supposed 8 hour battery life. I get 3.

@HAL2000: understating??? They said the new 15" macbook pro would get around 8 hours of battery life. Mine routinely lasts about 3 hours. Still decent, but a FAR cry from 8 hours. BTW i'm just surfing the web.

@Kraken: sprint is too expensive? That everything data plan is like $70 for unlimited data and text and 450 minutes. The same as you'd spend for AT&T but u wouldn't get any text messages w/ AT&T.

@Sandarken: well i waited and the image never showed up from my previous reply so i'll just stick to imgur.