
@Ueziel: I agree w/ you completely. The only decent map of the 3 was that round shaped one, and even that was worse than any of the cod4 maps. The japanese temple one was horrible. Activision needs to stop crapping out these games w/ treyarch. They're just sullying the cod brand.

I was pretty excited for WaW since i loved COD4 so i got into the closed beta. The game while being almost an exact duplicate of cod4 (but set in WW2) just wasn't as fun to me. The animations looked worse and i thought the map design sucked. It was pretty to look at tho.

@William Killer Shatner: Another vote for fallout 3. I spent more time chopping wood and serving beers in fable than questing. Fallout3 on the other hand is freaking awesome.

M.U.L.E was fun. I have faith that nintendo can pull it off. And damn if it's not something we need right now. If it's successful they should follow up with a game about fiscal responsibility and the evils of carrying too much debt.

@Killtacular: Yep that's what happened to me as well. After a few of those my xbox froze every 10 minutes before finally crapping out. PS - enjoying fable2 but sad that i've only had a chance to play deadspace for 30 minutes, and there's still fallout3 to come :(.

@MayCauseOffense: My thoughts exactly. Cartoons/comics? Offensive. Music w/ lyrics from qu'ran? Offensive. Books about your religion (a la satanic verses) Offensive. 2 of those were already (apparently) jihad worthy. Grow a thicker skin you sensitive bitches.

I hope those worthless little shits get tried as adults. What is with kids these days. Fucking entitlement generation think they deserve everything for free. Go get a job, mow some lawns, shovel some driveways. I'll settle for them making license plates for the rest of their lives.

xcom: Ufo defense on steam. Maybe a lil madden09.

@copet: I bought it, it runs ok, altho the geoscape runs at a bit of a low frame rate. (XP)

The only one i liked was x-com ufo defense, but hot damn if that wasn't one of the greatest games of all time. Will we be seeing more of this kind of thing on steam? Star Control 2 perhaps??? *praying*

this game is absolutely awesome until u try to play co-op online. I played for 2 hours with a friend and we lost all of our progress. It needs a patch bad, since when it crashes it basically wipes out everything you did if you didn't go back out to the map screen... which u don't for several levels in a row.

@ItotheCtotheE: just space it out man. Buy the next RPG as you finish the previous one.

please please someone end the litigation happy nightmare this country has become. Death to all lawyers!

if what people are saying is true and he quit his job than the 180k sounds like next to nothing. Dudes gotta have some money to live on. Shit like food, shelter, and electricity aren't free. He also had to pay the artist. And he's been developing this game for several years right?

i love football. But i only buy madden once every 5 years or so. The time for a new copy is just about due so i may get it. I REALLY miss NFL 2k tho :(.

@Grimmjow Jeagerjaques: I was thinking about it, but, (and this is in no way meant to start a flamewar or anything) there just isn't enough that i want to play to justify the purchase.... yet. I'm sure i'll get one eventually... just not yet.

awww damn i love this game but don't have a ps3 :(.

@EvilFiek: Forget Fountainhead if you didn't like Atlas Shrugged. If you want the most accessible Ayn Rand work read Anthem. It's short and sweet and still encapsulates the basics of her ideas. Plus it's Sci fi! Oh and you can read it at project gutenberg so no need to go borrow it from the library or buy it.

@houkah: woops raphael hahah.

videogames got me to major in computer animation in college, which led to a minor in art history.... which is why i know that painting is 'the school of athens' by David.