I love how hard Megyn Kelly is tanking now that she’s out of her comfort zone of spewing lies and propaganda
I love how hard Megyn Kelly is tanking now that she’s out of her comfort zone of spewing lies and propaganda
Aw, that’s just what butts look like when they’re tensed. They just caught her mid-clench. If that picture were rotated a little more so that she was profile, that would actually make her butt look the best.
It’s Beyonce’s baby bump
It’s a sad state of affairs when this country was incensed because they saw a tit on TV, yet saw fit to put a dick in the White House.
My intense hatred for Megyn Kelly felt irrational until I saw John Oliver’s clips over her on Sunday and then I felt fully justified and pleased with my visceral disgust.
I’m so with you on that. Cate Blanchette transformed from a playful teenager to a stoic monarch, but Gwenyth won and I have no idea why.
Aww, I actually think it’s cool that’s she’s the only woman in LA who HASN’T gotten lip fillers.
Alternatively, she could shut the fuck up about her #SponCon vacation being cancelled and how she plans to “hit” the resort next year when people who actually live on that island are at great physical and material risk. It costs zero dollars and zero sense to have some fucking humanity and realize not everything is…
Make sure you call your Congresspeople about PR! They have no one to speak for them, so we have to let our voting members of Congress know that we care about Puerto Rico.
I was hit with a belt maybe once or twice, but I was older. At two you barely really understand what’s wrong and right and you’re still trying to figure out where the line is. I’m kind of disturbed by her continual justification for her actions. Like I’m not sure why she feels she can be an advocate of any kind. Also,…
That dog like looks pretty chill and confident tho.
“we didn’t have to give up $40k just to find out about the virgin birth”
My father in law initially agreed to let us get married at his lakeside home and then cancelled three weeks before the wedding because catholic and outside. Funny thing? HIS SON was never confirmed but I was. So even though I had no idea outdoor weddings were a Catholic no-no, it wouldn’t have mattered anyway.
Yeah, the whole explanation seems like bullshit to me. One of these things is not like the others.
Seriously, I’m all for exposing yourself to different religions and practices but this feels like she’s just trying to collect them and get applause for it. “I have chanted and meditated in some of the most magnificent temples on earth.” Cool story, maybe meditate on why you need to point out that you are the best at…
I believe my conservative, upper middle class Scot in-laws have probably never had a swear word pass their lips - to the extent my mother-in-law told my kids that they mustn’t EVER use the word “fart” as it was very vulgar. She told them to use the term “windy pop” instead. I told my sons (going to the regular old…
The Thick of It. It’s what Veep was churned out from.