Yes try Cabot vanilla bean. It doesn’t taste like rancid spoiled milk and the vanilla flavor is amazing. Soooo good.
Yes try Cabot vanilla bean. It doesn’t taste like rancid spoiled milk and the vanilla flavor is amazing. Soooo good.
Seriously the best greek yogurt is Cabot vanilla bean. It doesn’t taste like rancid shit. The vanilla flavor is so good. Actual authentic greek yogurt tastes like shit.
Seriously I’m not even an athlete and I do that every Saturday night. Well now Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights too. Well thruthfully during the week sometimes now also. Man fuck I have to stop using this shit.
Thank You and the people who are saying that there isn’t a difference between what we have now and what would happen if performance enhancing was not only unregulated but encouraged are delusional. It would be gross to see how far the teams owners and all that special interest would push the boundaries. To be a…
True to some extent I’ll give you that. I’m just trying to say what we have now and completely allowed out in the open performance enhancing are nowhere near the same. You would still see drastic changes in athletics even with the current cheating.
True I’m thinking of the extreme cases where a team has it’s own chemical lab and scientists working on the latest and greatest. Science is becoming so powerful that a break through at a lab somewhere could turn the entire team into freaks with steriods, reaction and stamina enhancing cocktails. Let’s not pretend…
Thats actually a really great idea. The no limits league. Anything goes.
That’s one thing you should never lose.
It wasnt even that bad, Singer is a border line jailbait lover, the only thing offensive was him attacking the other gay actors coming out. It’s understandable why someone so young and not playing a hunky hetero role and a supportive family might not understand why coming out is such a big deal to some people. Luckily…
Ha money, fame by proxy, no need to work, just plain ignorance, not to mention some of the stories of these childrens stars parents being sexual predators/ deviants themselves are plenty reason enough. Then you have the fact these people are so powerful the parents might not even be aware. The average American knows…
At least they have to come off it. There’s been handfuls of athletes that have been caught at the elite level and they’re all known frauds so it’s not as nearly rampant as it was. Theres a rather humongous difference than some dude doing it for 2 months in the offseason and being caught than being roided out to the…
I’m talking about the Biogenesis Swamp Rats versus NeverAge Labs Bombers because thats what it would evolve into. Not the one or two break out stars getting the juice on the low like it is now. I’m talking genetically engineering athletes from birth because that’s where the medicine is heading. Idk seems a little too…
Oh and really insightful comment I was operating under the assumption everything was fair and just in the world seeing how I’m a really advanced 3 year old on the internet you douche bag.
Well white athletes might have a chance again seeing how daddy could get them hooked up into the program early and all the poor black kids would have to go fuck off. So i guess it would be good for me as a white dude.
But do we want our sports to be sponsored by medical teams. It’s more a science exposition than sport.
Yeah and I’m sure everyone will have access to the worlds best medicine and science you idiot. So whos got the best doctor or lab gets to be champion wooooo
Ohhhh the horror pissing and shitting in complete privacy oohhhhhhh how will they live. I don’t want to live in a world where people can shit and piss aloneeee. Woaaaaaaa is me. Let him use the boys bathroom so he can get his fat ass stuffed face first in the toilet and whipped with towels butt ass naked like the…
Lmao a probably very overinflated 70 million at that