
Hey I’m closer to 60.

‘Folks are always mad about Star Wars movies, especially now that they feature compelling characters of color and women.’

Go to a theatre where people talk, check their phones, text, take calls, crying babies etc.

I don’t understand.

Is this the dot coin boom?

‘ so I don’t get people pissed off waiting for me.

As an aside.

And download it’s memory to a USB...

‘No matter where you live, gas is expensive.’

Can we replace ‘President’ with’ Shithead’?

I’m glad for the extra money but I can still only eat 10 gourmet meals a day.

In the American government system.

If everyone used a VPN would that solve all ills?

We have a sign in our kitchen.

I get confused by this ‘cold’ I get around once a year.

That’s amazing.

Toy with spring loaded weaponry...that takes me back to this!

Toy with spring loaded weaponry...that takes me back to this!

Cook ‘for’ them! I read that too fast the first time.

I hear you.

Back in the UK about 30 years ago a vacuum cleaner company had a similar offer. It was a fiasco.