
I take a walk around the neighborhood every morning.

I tell them...

Contingent on the regulations and your ability...

I’m from the UK and I’m aware that the Constitution is a big deal but I thought gun owners, in order to own a gun, had to be part of a well regulated militia?

‘romanic roleplay’ 

Spot on, man.

As an old dude from Scotland may I say that Demetria is a beautiful woman.

I’ve said this before here..

Whatta chin...

I think the dog thing is legal here in California as long as the dog is in a tether.

You missed the point...

Of course these days it would be called a ####LifeHack!###

If only the immigration process worked that way.

It’s unfortunate but he didn’t follow the legally approved immigration process.

I enjoyed this one.

I enjoyed this one.

A few weeks ago my wife and I went to a gig at the Hollywood Bowl.

A few weeks ago my wife and I were at a gig at the Hollywood Bowl.

“i would like to dispel the rumors about my stance on vaccines. i am not anti-vaccine. my children are vaccinated. there has been so much hysteria and anger about this issue and i hope this clears things up as far as my part.” Bialik.

As far as I know the federal regulations refer to resident aliens and illegal aliens.