
My nigga

My nigga

Sarcasm son. Learn it.

You cannot use words you don’t even believe in as ammo. Try again son

Lol, your such a clueless asshole

wtf is gaslighting?

Your dad needs a fucking life/hobby...

No, not “cut” from the same cloth eh?

The Roman empires favorite way to torture and kill people, crucifixion

You just pissed off half the planet by stating the Bible is not the “whole truth” from God.  Have fun with that

Which he did because death = hell.

Because God is alpha and omega and does what he wants Really good thing you avoided sticking your dick in that crazy

Uh.....Catholics are the FIRST christians

A non believer! To hell with you for all eternity!!

well the Irish keep getting fucking drunk so.....

That wasn’t in the film, the flying fuck are you talking about?

You’re going to hell now

Someone will be knocking on your door very soon from child services....

I brought over “Shoot Em UP” as my friend said it was a fun date movie with my now ex GF at the the time. Needless to say, she was pissed and I got no luvin at all and I told my now ex friend to fuck off his movie suggestions