
I'm not sure what I intend my tone to be here, but how is a fried pork skin breading any better than a light coating of flour?

So you're mad because someone didn't invite you to go hiking with a group of friends? How does that translate to her having lied to you? Lying to you would have been you asking if she was going, and her denying there were plans or that she was going. The group of friends wasn't even friends with you, they were friends

I was trying to agree, maybe that didn't come across. I am now trying to think, "Oh, he's just having a very busy day," when he doesn't talk to me most of the day, instead of, "He's upset at me or has something upsetting he wants to tell me and is avoiding it."

This a great tip. I need to follow this advice more often. My anxiety sometimes causes me to overthink things until I've arrived at the most negative assumption possible, and sometimes my partner gets caught in the cross hairs. Of course, 90% of the time, my negative assumptions wind up being wrong, and you'd think at

I would lol, but that would be very unsettling to me. Sure, the gross take home is more, but does that include health insurance, etc. that they might take out? You waited six weeks to find out what your net pay was?

I don't understand why someone would settle for a company who is that interested in finding out what you currently make. The only reason they're interested is so that they can pay you as little as they possibly can, so they're using your current salary to find out how little they can pay you.

Why would they require you to submit pay stubs from a current employer? If they want proof you work there, they could just call your current HR department.

I always feel awkward leaving coins as part of my tip. It feels like I'm saying, "Hey, here's a $5, and some change. I didn't actually feel you were worthy enough to receive a full dollar extra, though." I usually just tip in bills and pocket loose change. I think once I left $1 in quarters, because I paid in cash and

I think a lot of older people don't realize standard tipping percentage went up with inflation, etc. When I was a kid, it used to be 15%. Only 15 years later, it's 20%.

I usually leave up to $5 if they are pleasant, ask how my first round is, refill my drink before it's actually empty, and clear my plate between trips to the buffet.

Well, there's liking what you do because you like the actual thing (which is what I think you're after), and there's lying and saying you love to sit in an office for 10 hours a day doing work for other people. The crazy stares are people who think you are asking if they like to be AT work.

I like that question. I wish people would use it on me. I think it shows that they do have interests outside of work, and I don't want to work for a company that assumes my life joy is to come into work every day.

I have had a couple screw-ups, and many more near-screw-ups. It's very hard to say with total honesty that you have had no screw ups, especially when you're still relatively inexperienced. Near-screw-ups totally count. I've gotten to the point where I know that I am going to screw something up if I continue, and I've

I agree with the working out after work sentiment. Once I am home for the evening, I am home. I just spent all day in an office, doing things for everyone else - now is me time, etc. No-bra-o'clock mentality.

Seems like that's more of a payday thing, though. Honestly, I look at it as "That ice cream tub costs me X hours of work. Damn. That is a lot of work for a dinky thing of ice cream. That is like X% of a tank of gas." The guilt is strong with this one.

This. Once I'm home, it's no-bra-o'clock, and I don't leave unless I receive a tempting offer (hint: grocery shopping is not one).

I know that someday, I too will be old and get in the way and annoy young people (at that point, I hope I can just pay someone to get my groceries for me, though). So.

Right? Oh, let me leave work for an early lunch and then let all the food I just bought bake or freeze in my car for the rest of the day (depending on exterior weather).


Uh, this. Job posting with an actual salary range in it these days is like a rare unicorn.