Hot Stuff

That looks like it was done by a high school shop class as a senior project.

Au contraire... The Hyundai Pony pickup. (sorry you have to click the images unless someone takes me out of the grey)

Instead of Chili’s, maybe she could join me for some In-N-Out.

I mean his name is Graverobber, so what do you expect?

“Those nods to function and luxury are just two of the desirable aspects of this sunroof-equipped car. There’s also the sunroof mentioned in the previous sentence...”

“ tween girl’s charm bracelet tiny.”

“... and seemingly not on fire or in some other ardor-quelling condition.”

Seriously—I like cars and car values

It looks like the JC Whitney catalog took a sh*t on it.

Now playing

Obviously, SOMEBODY thought all of this was a good idea. I have deep concerns about that person.