Hostile Bed Frame

The best stand up act I've ever seen was a relatively unknown Tim Heidecker intentionally bombing on stage. He was all worked up into a nervous sweat and kept referring to little crumpled pocket notes and making embarrassing observations about Coke and Pepsi. The crowd was uncomfortable and silent. It was fucking

Why would it have to be more of the same? Let's be honest, Mulder and Scully made that show.

I always thought that was really cool, and now I make it a habit to hang up without saying "bye", so I can be cool too.

Surprised nobody has grittily rebooted the seminal George Clooney vehicle, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.

Fair enough. He also didn't even begin his acting career until he was 35 years old, which is relatively late.

I give actors a break once they hit senior citizen status. Must be hard to give a shit about artistic integrity when the shadow of death is looming over you.

Thanks, fixed. I never would of noticed myself.

Haven't seen those…are they actually good or was that sarcasm?

Good. I hope he avoids these rote comic book movies and continues doing stuff like Nightcrawler. Never would have thought that Jake G. would be the next Deniro but man was he good in Nightcrawler. Come to think of it, he was pretty great in Zodiac too.


How come Disney never branched out with more film franchises based on theme park rides? I was looking forward to Mr. Toad's Wild Movie.

Thank you.

And it has a great ending, which is rare in horror movies. There was something really satisfying about watching SPOILERS Sam Neill explode with unhinged laughter at the insanity of his situation.

Instant graduation to King of Cool, in league with Brando and McQueen

Plus smoking makes you look a lot cooler than tweeting does.


You don't have to seek validation through others' agreement, you know. I mean, I understand your frustration but if you feel that Bjork is a better artist than Sleater-Kinney, there's nothing to say you're wrong. Plus the evidence is in your favor.

At this rate her next record will be about eternal solitude and crippling alcoholism.

lol "sub-Nickelback vocals" has to be the harshest possible criticism.

Is there something wrong with the shape of my frame? Must I cover it up to satisfy your privileged view of what a bed frame's place is in the world?