Hoser in Florida Eh?

I’d add Jeselnik’s “Thoughts & Prayers” to the list as well.

Anthony Jeselnik: Fire in the Maternity Ward. I know that most people think he’s too dark but to me that’s what makes him so great.

“Maybe its that I don’t play Overwatch and I’m not really attached to any of the characters

Oh I always instantly cry when I listen to I’ve Seen It All. I normaly never cry, but when I watch Dancer In The Dark the tears just run.

Like the PlayStation 4 Pro, the PlayStation 5 reads physical media via a 4K Blu-ray drive.

Like the PlayStation 4 Pro, the PlayStation 5 reads physical media via a 4K Blu-ray drive.

Is it going to play 4K blu ray movies?  Please save the comments about “hurr durr who uses physical discs these days.”  Enjoy your lossy streaming audio if you want, I prefer discs.  

I was listening to Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant, and Karl Pilkington wax on about how revolutionary they were for The Ricky Gervais Show podcast back in 2005; they reveled in it being the most downloaded podcast, outpacing everyone’s expectations, etc. Podcasting isn’t new. People just keep discovering it for the

There’s a scene where Leo tells Brad there’s no point asking about work for Cliff, and tells Cliff to fix his TV antenna.

You should. It’s both well shot and very funny.

Not sure I want to see Brad and Leo murder some teenaged girls.

That’s kinda the point though. The last man on earth is a douchebag in the beginning. But he grows, and while he can still be an ass, he becomes a much, much better person.

I Absolutely loved Presto. Adorable and funny and clever and short. Oh so mercifully short and to the funny point. 

Presto was my all time favourite. I think that was the one about the magician and the rabbit? It was adorable, clever, short and had some charming Chuck Jones type character beats.

The only Pixar short I’ve truly enjoyed was “Presto”, which was shown before Wall-E.  It was not the typical Pixar short because it was just funny, not the usual sappy Pixar-esque story.  And I’m not saying that their shorts aren’t beuatiful to look at it, but people forget that a lot of what we think of with Looney

What do I have to do to get a new Super Monkey Ball...

Motherfucking No More Heroes!!!!

he’s literally from rural kentucky. i think he knows about actual working class problems.

I’m detecting some jealousy of a hot guy being fun

He stars in a movie where he's horrifically disfigured, but his charisma still seems to shine through...