Hoser in Florida Eh?

This violates my fifth life rule: Leave those people alone.

You’re talking about a film based on a historical event, not a story with a heretofore unknown ending that people have been waiting years for. The process of discovery that comes with watching a film like that is essential to enjoying the experience for some people. So no, I don’t think it’s histrionic to say it ruins

Now playing

Had no idea there was a sequel to Hamsterdance, which sounds awfully familiar to Cotton-Eye’d Joe, another ear worm Ive been trying to get out go my head for 20 years.

I love her. There, I said it. Loved her in Stephen Soderbergh’s action movie HAYWIRE that nobody really noticed. I think she’s drop dead gorgeous and has natural charisma to spare. I hope The Mandalorian is good and I hope she’s got a really good role.

The point of this protest is to reunite families....not steal children. Would they? I bet they would in a heartbeat if it would help ease these kids pain, because they’re decent people. But why would they when these kids have parents of their own?

*Prince Ruprecht peeks out from behind the bushes*

Not necessarily related but seriously, fuck off.

I wish this was Reddit so I could downvote that post.

What this guy is saying is legit. What if we talk about food poisoning and they use a picture of a restaurant you own? It’s psychology, a responsible journalist should not associate a particular brand with a negative story when they are in no way related. Let’s use your picture to talk about how some humans are

Why would he address the point, when the point is incredibly dumb? You are really angry about some really meaningless stuff.

Thanks for your detailed reply. Yes, I will admit that my reply was more than a little hyperbolic. I will try to give you detailed reasons as to why I don’t rate the movie very high as Bond films go.

Where’s the sexual harassment by Tarantino and what exactly constitutes abuse of power? Telling an actress she should drive a car at 40 mph? If that is abuse of power which should bring him down, most directors, male and female, would be out of work.

If whether or not you like an artist’s work has anything at all to wanting to see him brough down for sexual harassment or abuse of power, you are MISSING THE POINT.

Are their people who didn’t love Inglorious Bastards? Certainly no a fan of all his works, but that movie was phenomenal

Because others like an artist more than I do, I want that artist destroyed!

I don’t know who picks out the images for the article, but I’ve gotta hand it to whoever it was. That does look like a person who has just served you an insect.