Wondering how the soft top / rear window mechanism works and where it stows? Top down means top off for the soft top? Why have a soft top at all if it’s pretty much the same functionality of the hard top?
Wondering how the soft top / rear window mechanism works and where it stows? Top down means top off for the soft top? Why have a soft top at all if it’s pretty much the same functionality of the hard top?
LOL - Cash for Clunkers 2.0
ATS was a shot at a slim market share where people are also buying the prestige of driving a German marque as well.
Until gasoline exceeds the price people are willing to pay.
Is it just me or are the old Big 3 just giving the sedan market to the Asian automakers?
Wholeheartedly agree. If I’m at a Marlins home game, I know I’m in Miami. Me and the other 5238 people at the Marlins game.
Patiently awaiting the sticker price. Remember Mergio said this was going to be an expensive and exclusive lifestyle vehicle.
How’s she goin’ eh?
because in natural daylight, it is difficult to differentiate between a DRL tail and a brake light.
Neiman Marcus class at a Big Lots price!
How’s she goin’ EH?
You’re in our local tourism industry, aren’t you?
Reverse - Windsor is the best place to see Detroit. I’ll even give you a guided tour!
Montreal and Quebec as well. Nevermind SW Ontario. We don’t exist.
My favourite part of the campaign is the fact that their stable mates at GMC are never mentioned! Chevy got the ad campaign to make up for not getting the transformer tailgate.
“People operating at a high level in so many dimensions. Cerebral, physical, spiritual, emotional, unspoken and telepathic communication.”