
I havent touched an MMO in years. I’m too old with far too many responsibilities to try to get back into WoW, but I’ve had the itch and almost went back to WoW until the recent shit went down and then I even uninstalled OW.

It’s always surprised me too. Like it’s somehow a special skill someone earns. The shit was hard back in the late 90's but once plug and play got going in the middle 00's things got much easier. You weren’t dicking with IRQ’s and all sorts of driver disks.

Even now though, when I tell someone I’ve built my last 3 PC

I was just suggesting you had a narrow scope and figured I should start with something simple. Meh.

Uh-huh, you and 20 other people on here.

Same applies for Artifact.

Then you have a very little understanding of block chains and how they can be used. Again it’s about ownership. My wallet is my wallet, its not on someone’s server hanging it. It can’t be taken away from me, sure it can lose value, but it’s mine. Tell me that about my WoW character file record.

Jesus, I hope that Italian grandmother isn’t mad that I said her homemade spaghetti tasted like Chef Boyardee.

maybe google crypto games and see how many come up, you might be surprised. it’s all about ownership...

This gives me pause tho as Artifact would actually have performed better as a crytocard game. I think Valve is just butthurt those concepts are coming and working better than Artifact ever did. Splinterlands is generating vast dollar amounts and it’s not even remotely fun or impressive to play tbh. hell, with some

Kotaku Staff is filled with crypto haters. I still don’t know if they don’t understand it, or just flat out refuse to learn (anything) about it and just condemn all parts as evil.

FUCK THEM! An expansion on a shitty, lackluster service already?

Right? I played an early MMO that had an invincibility bug if you put on and took of certain pieces/types of armor in a sequence, it was a list of 20 steps but once it was done you were ready to rock and it was really easy if you wrote it down.

Until we can get data that breaks down the gender and ethnicity of twitch users, there is no data to correlate with. Ultimately you generate content for your audience. If twitch’s audience is above 85% males 15-55 then the argument sounds weird.

He clearly has good judgment, will prolly pick a great school.

similar to how kotaku peddles video game news.

On the side, until Covid, my son and I would take a trip from Charlottesville to Chicago and it was a good 20 hour ride. I had never taken a trip that long on a train (living in chicago the longest I had taken was maybe an hour) but that trip through the backside of america was just stunning. I’d love to do it again

i thought the whole area was now a dumping ground for other vehicles.

is bDeIzCoKs taken?

I feel ya with the 1070, but I’m still gaming just as well as I have been and I’m old enough now not to need fast refresh rates. I’ve been on the edge about Deathloop cause I love the dishonored series and they run pretty great, but deathloop looks a lot more advanced than the dishonored series in terms of lines and

Pft, I wonder what percentage of these players were there for WoWs launch? Queues, over-run quest areas, and that writing to inventory lag that meant new items took minutes to show up in your inv while you stayed crouched in the looting animation.