
Was this a contest to name places in Virginia?

This is the dumbest fucking opinion I have seen on Deadspin in ages which is really an accomplishment.

... maybe this white cartoon guy knows something, after all? (Nope.)

Wow Tom, great job showing how little you know about sports. Shouldn’t be an issue for your career at all.

This is like textbook pseudo intellectual bleating

You can’t get 5 years for something that isn’t a felony...?

You sound like you have some shitty friends. I just got back from a Bachelor party that was literally nothing but drinking and playing games with 14 dudes in a house for 4 days and no one got pissy once.

Yea none of the points in this article really stand up to even base level scrutiny.

“John Elway gets a lot of credit for not jumping in with both feet and letting Osweiler walk, but he was reportedly willing to pay Osweiler more than $30 million guaranteed and more than $16 million per season.”

The irony of HamNo saying an organization needs to hire ‘actual good opinion writers’ is fucking hysterical.

You’re trying to make that joke about a guy that got his ass kicked?

15 year old in poverty stricken South says racist thing and school responds poorly. More at 11.

Pretending to be upset and whining about it is how you make your money dude

This is a laughably retarded take by someone who clearly doesn’t live here

Hey, if Bourneko can get away with it, this guy can.


Donald Trump is definitively not a loser, just ask Hillary Clinton

Its amazing that you know the guy who tweeted that personally and even his employment situation

He’s been making Nazi jokes for ages but now its related to Trump? Fuck outta here

I honestly do not know what to say - I finally vehemently agree with HamNo on something. Its a weird day.