Horst Tappert

I also work on the computer! I have the mouse!

Agreed, this version is somewhat better than the previous iPhone Katamari... but still.... it feels rushed together to make use of the current hype that is 'freemium' gaming.

I read this article over and over but... what's the news here? We already knew the US spend countless billions on their "defense" budget.

This bug is actually in Adobe's HTML website, not in the Flash player. The HTML language dates back to 1991, so it's not surprising that it has issues that can be exploited in a million kind of ways.

Not working for me. Maybe they're having server troubles?

Thx :-) I hope I'll have the guts to try it out!

I can never pronounce Japanese words that have an "R" in them. When I try to say "Ramen" or "Warui" all I get is very confused looks.

Darth Sirious agrees

How can you even compare those shots at such a low resolution?

Title Sequences: yes. Movies:no. Animation used for the main movie (TinTin is the perfect example) still tries to look too "realistic", even when the actual source material has a very distinct cartoon style.

For a moment I thought MS had seen the light: if XBox / Kinect can have a moderately user-friendly interface, so can OFFICE!! (maybe by controlling Office with Kinect?)

It's certainly true that getting good quality fresh vegetables is getting harder and harder. It also depends on where you live of course. Frozen vegetables can be quite good... where I live they're pretty cheap too.

Dutch patriotism, I love it! (Eddie van Halen is Dutch...)

Most cheap foodstuffs are disgusting, but what's more: it's not actually cheaper than healthy food. Stop for a moment at that green-looking isle at your supermarket. It may be hidden deep inside an endless labyrinth of sugary cereals and fatty "meat products", but it's there!

We'll need DRM protection on coffee mugs!

I'm not sure if copyright law allows me to make a backup copy of my desk chair or my coffee cup.... of course the problems only start when you'd SELL those "backup" copies. That would be illegal, just as it is already illegal to sell fake Pokémans.

I can't imagine that an iPhone 4 can play complex 3D games but not process a few seconds of audio ?

Being able to print your own Pokémans will surely put a big dent in the toy industry. Just like downloading MP3's and services like Spotify change the music industry. It just can't be stopped and it's not a bad thing per sé. New ways to make money off of this will be invented.

At least MS TRIES to improve their UI....

Do what the show did best.... like removing the übercool old-skool vocoder-voice Cylons and replacing them with cheap ugly CGI robots you only see from a far distance.