Horst Tappert

What I really miss is a game that doesn't just use the 3D as a gimmick (puzzle bobble, ridge racer) but really makes the 3D part of the gameplay. Pouring a 3D sauce over existing game concepts might not make them that much more appealing...

ca.kotaku.com also has a much clearer indication of who has replied to which of your comments. The new site shows all replies in one screen without any way to see what people are replying to.

Add to that a battery charger with yet another kind of connection so you can't use your old DS / DSi chargers.

I think it's an improvement over the XMB. Sure, the XMB looked very sleek, but was it all that usable? I think not. You could spend hours trying to find the settings screen for one thing or another. It was hell to check out what games your friends are playing and what trophies they have. The XMB was very clearly

I was lucky to pick up a SEGA vinyl record in a second hand store:

Me neither. I miss having a clear overview. These scrolling panes obfuscate too much of the content.

Copying someone else's artwork is copyright violation, but this guy didn't do that, right? He just sold the original piece with some adjustments. How can that be copyright violation?

Since buying DVD's is insanely expensive... most DVD's cost between $30 and $50. No, I'm not talking about bluray!

I mostly buy a game and then play it for a few evenings. Then it's finished!

@Latio: it probably means 2013

Graphics still look as static as the first pokemon game on the gameboy. The mind boggles as to why Nintendo can't be bothered to make the game look a bit better?

@Slowking: Oh man. I just returned from Tokyo, over there the special edition was readily available in every shop! I expected the same over here.... djeez....

Am I missing something or didn't we even get the "Nintendo's Super Mario All-Stars Collection" for the Wii in Europe???

There, there. Much better.

Good point about the lacking dvd player in the WII. I recently bought SMGalaxy 2, which strangely includes a ... DVD with instruction movies...!

@agreeable_panda: I agree, but wouldn't most of those games run perfectly fine on a PS2?

@ACE_CLOUD: Yes, and an iPhone costs $800 and nobody complains about that...

Boring commercial only shows cold switched-off hardware.

Amazing how long it takes Nintendo to produce one Pikmin game.