Horst Tappert

@ScholarMasterJ: Although...playing cooking mama with a frying pan controller would be superb.

The DS and iPhone versions were utterly bewilderingly disappointing and downgraded, so why DID they release spore on those two platforms???

@-MasterDex-: Same here. It's like the the ps3/xbox creators felt they "had to" go photo-realistic just because that's what the public expects from a ps3/360 title, right?

I've never paid full price for a game except when it has the name "mario" in it.

@Sh1pwreck: Couldn't agree more. Acid was especially designed to be a portable game! Apparently, Konami considers Acid too hardcore for the iPhone-owning crowd. Just look at 99% of iPhone games. Shallow, easy-to-pick-up and even easier to lay down again, because you've seen all there is to see after 5 minutes of

I think the whole blu-ray thing is being overestimated. I don't see people around me buying blu-ray movies even if they have HD TV.

Isn't there a law or something that prevents unbearably awful products from being released on the market? There's an import ban on bad food so why not on bad consoles?

I don't see how sharing data on when to strike a chord in a certain song infringes on anyone's copyright? Do songbook publishers (books used for learning to play guitar) have to pay copyright fees?

One mouse that does not qualify for best mouse is the latest apple mouse with the RSI inducing single button and ridiculously small scroll-thingy.

Racers and FPS'es. I already played project gotham racing 1 on the dreamcast. It was nice. Please move on, game industry!

I DO use album art to navigate my music. I find it tiresome to read endless lists of small text when looking for music so browsing visually feels much more intuitive. So I welcome the more visual browsing options of iTunes 8.

To those that think japan is weird for creating these games: what do you think about the "hot girls playing videogames" ad that's always on Kotaku's homepage? I can't help but wonder about who clicks on those things.

"Las Ketchup"!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!

are the flash player issues fixed? firefox 3 combined with flash player 10 or in some cases 9, caused strange bugs with interaction in flash movies.

Mii integration, motion sensors in the controller, hurray for microsoft! Why be original when you can copy the competition?

I still find it amazing that Apple does not :

There ARE lines of customers, they're just wearing their highly advanced Department-Store-Camo.

In certain areas in amsterdam you can't even USE a phone without it being stolen from your hands. One train station has a warning sign : "you use it, you lose it".

Games that primarily remind you of how good some OTHER game was. This happens a lot lately I think.

I agree that the PSP's interface is over-complex. There's far too many settings that can be adjusted and it uses lots of strange terms that can easily be misunderstood (like "ad hoc infrasctructure", what IS that...?).