I have always used the F-301 (I have on sitting next t me right now). What makes the 402 better? If it's much better I'll go grab some of those since the price difference is negligible.
I have always used the F-301 (I have on sitting next t me right now). What makes the 402 better? If it's much better I'll go grab some of those since the price difference is negligible.
I love the weight and feel of my 4s in my hand. I almost switched to a Galaxy Nexus for the stock Jelly Bean but holding my wife's Nexus just doesn't feel right for some reason. It looks great but just doesn't feel quite right.
I'm downloading right now.
I use the Dropbox camera upload from my iPhone, then have Belvedere monitor that folder and automatically move the pictures to the Photos folder on my HTPC as well as my backup drive, keeping storage open in my Dropbox. This way I automatically back up my photos and have them on my home PC.
I dropped cable and have Netflix, Hulu+ and Amazon Prime along with over the air stations. I do my best to watch everything legally but Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad get torrented. I would likely give both (AMC and HBO) my money if they would agree to take it.
It is not the most elegant interface but I can actually use it to watch what I want. ATV3 looks great but I can't watch much. Since I came from using an HTPC with no interface other than folders, the Sony is not terrible but in order to compete they may want to look at redesigning the interface.
I've been waiting on the ATV3 jailbreak since I bought it the first week it was released. I assumed it would not take long but from what I've read it is still slow going until an exploit can be found. If I could return it I would.
I respectfully disagree.
I have the Sony SMP-n200. I've had it for a couple months and it is great. A little more setup than my ATV3 but it as well worth it. I'm curious what issues you had. I wonder if it was a defective unit.
Agreed. I have an ATV3 and I hate it. The only thing it is good or right now is Netflix and air play on rare occasions. If I could still return t I would. I also have a Sony SMP-n200 that works infinitely better. If ATV3 supported local playback (for non-itunes files) and had Hulu and Amazon it would be fine. …
I know a girl from Tennessee who says "y'all" and it sounds pretty good coming out of her mouth.
What is it that you don't like about our fair city?
I've lived in KC the majority of my life and I don't know a single person who was born here who says "y'all". I know several people who have moved here from the south who do, but I try my best to break them of that habit.
Yes, I saw that unfortunate bit after I commented. Hopefully all the good stuff from Sparrow will go into the Gmail app so it's not just a wrapper on the webapp anymore, perhaps then I would use it. Sadly the paper airplane icon won't survive the transition.
I was jailbroken and doing that at one point. Sparrow+ was the only reason I jailbroke in the first place. My phone was so glitchy (not overly so, but enough to be annoying) that I restored to stock. Thanks for the tip anyway.
I use it for iOS and really like it other than lack of push. If Google can update it with push and release it as the default Gmail app I would really like it. I would also like if there was a free version as well as a paid version for those of us who have already purchased it.
I don't understand why they are bad people. Is it because they are posting pictures of themselves? My feeds are full of people doing that. Is it because they are posting pictures of themselves partying? My feeds are full of those too. Is it because they happen to be rich? If so that is very classist of you. …
I live in KC and just dropped my Time Warner to internet only yesterday after my horrible contract ended. I am just waiting to drop them totally until Google rolls out their network (which should to be soon since the commercials for the service have already been shot).
It didn't seem smoky at the stadium to me. It smelled good but visibility was not affected. I suppose some hyperbole was intended.
Smoky Air?