
I know where I've been is better to listen to. Run and tell that is better to watch.

That's a great one too. I like most of the songs from that show. It's sad that the book was not great. And Kerry Butler was wasted in that role. But her song is the high point of the show for me.

Add 'Fly, Fly Away' from Catch Me if You Can'. It's a great song from a so-so show.

I like everything about the version of Let it Be on the 'naked' album better except for the guitar. In the regular version the guitar is so warm in the solo and then the short riffs throughout the rest are great.

Tell that to Patrick Dempsey.

Incorrect. It should have been Two of Us.

I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I like Made way more than Swingers.

He did, yes. When he and Al switched, he was able to be back in his present for a bit but had to go back. He also leapt into himself as a teenager once but didn't stay there. But the last episode closes with an epilogue indicating he continued leaping through time and never returned home. Interestingly, it is

I have never seen this show, but this review sounds fascinating. Is this The Count of Monte Cristo set in modern day Hamptons? Because if so, I am in!

I still know the entire Quantum Leap intro by heart. That was one of my favorite shows growing up, then I watched the whole think again in reruns during college. I'm always sad when I remember that Sam never returned home. After all, we were reminded every week that he was hoping each time that his next leap would

They shouldn't if their contract doesn't include it. As an actor, you (your agent) negotiate your contract up front and expect it to be honored. Do you offer to stick around work after your shift is over on a regular basis? Every once and a while, sure, but if people keep asking you, putting your foot down is the

There is a great PBS special from when that revival opened called Off The Record-Guys and Dolls. It shows a bunch of behind the scenes stuff when they were recording the cast album. I highly recommend it.

Yes I did. My grandfather was nice enough to sit through it with me.

When I had sleepovers as a kid, we would routinely watch Die Hard and Major League. Luckily parents seemed to care less about things like that in the 80's/early 90's.

I looked through a bunch of these and the biggest problem I see is that most of them are not very funny. A few got a genuine chuckle out of me, but so many are just rehashes of other comedians jokes that I have heard before.

I just want Happy Endings back. That's what it will take for me to watch a network again, apparently.

Either him or Daniel Craig.

I do like the Walking Dead already. It helps that they use some actors from the Wire, but what I want is the characters from The Wire. Of course you would need to un-kill Stringer and Omar.

I would like to see the entire cast of Deadwood in this show. That would make it a must watch. I would also like to have the entire cast of The Wire, playing the same characters, in a zombie show.

Why? If his religion doesn't detract from his art that you previously enjoyed, what do you care? There are a lot of actors and musicians who practice nonsense religions (all of them), but I still listen to their music.