Please tell me Ice Cube calls someone 'Ol Top
Please tell me Ice Cube calls someone 'Ol Top
"I need the biggest seed bell you have! …no, that's too big"
Why can't we give Love just one more chance?
Yeah, their ratings are mystifying. Some generic reality garbage will have 4.5 stars while many a cult classic hovers in the 2-3 star range.
I like Paul Rust's Love, except for that nervous fella whose always in it!
This. If there's one thing we learn about Britta during the first season, it's that she can have extremely poor and/or impulsive judgement.
But you want to keep his secret safe, so you threw the keys away?
I'll always do High Life if they have it. Or whatever is cheap and regional, Old Style, Olympia, Lone Star etc. I know a lot of those are owned by and basically are PBR, but somehow they taste better. Of course here in SoCal the 'regional' is basically Tecate, which is still better than PBR/Bud I guess
They did seem to spend a ton of relative time on his multiple-bus-and-hitchiking trip out to the boonies, only to have him able to easily and quickly cab back to the city a few days later
Public Enemies? Not the worst latter-day Depp role, and I feel like he took it just to show that he wasn't ONLY a pile of floppy hats
And he played a fantastically charming/creepy vampire in the Fright Night remake. I mean, he got upstaged by David Tennant playing a Criss Angel-type, but who wouldn't?
It works on so many levels!
"Why do bad things happen to good people?"
All in favor, SAY DIE
Clearly nobody there did their due doodie
I hear pac man's ass has it's own congressman!
Oh, France
pocket sand!
then what happens
Can't these servers run any faster? I fear we shan't stream House of Cards by nightfall!