Because this takes place 70 years later?
Because this takes place 70 years later?
Nah, just alien hookers and drug addicts.
Eh, I lost interest in the first episode. It made no sense that you had thousands of people walking around in broad daylight in sight of the alien ship that was swarming with flying alien ships without being noticed yet when an alien happened to walk by they hid as if their life depended on it. Can't the aliens just…
Hopefully Cooper can make eating a hard boil egg look really creepy.
and the writer of 300 is brought in to fix the script for Superman.
That's my reaction to Scorsese going 3D.
Only if the franchise gets canceled.
Is that the chef from Ratatouille?
Maybe that's the problem, making human comic characters photo-real looks weird. If they went more stylized with the look of the movie I think it wouldn't be so jarring. I'm pretty sure if you made Charlie Brown photo-real it would look pretty disturbing.
So Zemeckis gets ripped apart for horrible looking uncanny valley characters but this gets a free pass? Sorry but these characters look horrible. It will have to be one hell of a story and adventure to get over the look of these people. Blech.
Ha, you beat me to the "cancelled" comment featuring Summer Glau.
As long as they stock it with Bat Shark Repellent everything should be fine.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind a framed version of that over the mantle.
Would Oedekerk put udders on the male aliens?
I'm glad that lady cleared up why we are so fascinated by giant squid.
A bunch of sequels I would imagine.
I want my robot to sound like Helper from Venture Brothers.
Fargo would simply say "Uh, oh" in the middle of your conversation. He would then tell you about the mysterious button he pushed on a machine he knows nothing about but will destroy the universe in 10 hours. You're then put on hold as he calls Carter.
Do you think Bothans are mad that their entire race is simplified to they only die when getting plans? I bet there's some great Bothan authors, artists, scientists that didn't die while getting someone else plans for something.
I'll bet money that they will keep that name since Snakes on a Plane got so much buzz simply from the title.