"We should have been more clear with people during the roll-out process when this became available to them."
"We should have been more clear with people during the roll-out process when this became available to them."
"with Clash of the Titans writers Phil Hay and Matt Mandredi working on the script."
I like that after he says that he aims a gun at them.
3D is like the Stealth bomber. So much money has been spent on it the industry will do anything to cram it down our throats. In the end it doesn't really add to the experience, it just adds to these guys bank accounts. Avatar may have been a technical feat, but it's probably the least re-watchable movie Cameron ever…
Well, he did say "we're".
I in no way slammed the student's work in my comment. I wasn't even commenting on the visuals at all. I was commenting on the idea of having visual trailers for books that's all.
Book trailer? Call me old fashioned but I thought the best part about books was imagining it in your head. Having a trailer sets the images for you before you read it. I guess we've come to the point where people need their own imaginations spoon fed to them.
Does the Phantom Limb go through it on his drive to work?
Cool Boarders 2? Give me SSX Tricky!
@Torgee: You're right, sorry for the error. I'll rephrase: Not many directors can make an Inception while many can make a The Social Network.
It would probably constantly butt dial a conference call to everyone in your contacts without you knowing.
@WetSkeletonz: I was going to say the same thing. It's sad how our culture views raising children as no big thing. It's really hard!
@Aurailious: Where would you point any quantitative data collecting device to see God building the universe?
I really liked The Social network but for it to be nominated for an Oscar while inception wasn't is a travesty. movies like Inception don't come along often, while movies about people just talking come out all the time.
They also hold the key to the car that'll run you over.
@TheGreat&PowerfulTurtle: All that just to throw a rock at a guard.
But that alien from District 9 said it would only take 3 years to come back! Wikus is running out of scrap metal to make flowers out of. That prawn lied!
Does this mean we won't be able to mess with Europa?
@Grglstr: I was thinking the same thing. Great movie but boy what a downer. I hope Tasha Yar made it to Antarctica.