
What, no visualizer? I want to be grooving to MilkDrop while driving at 70 mph.

The baby in Toy Story 3 now haunts my nightmares.

@AreWeThereYeti: People seem to forget about ergonomics when it comes to touch screen concepts. You would have massive muscle pain working like this after an hour let alone 8 hours a day.

Come on Massachusetts, what gives?

@ringer81: We still do it in the movies. When the Kelvin was getting blasted in the last Star Trek that's all projected textures of steel wool burning.

I saw this phenomenon while looking out a plane window once. It was like reverse God-rays surrounding the aircraft and focusing down to our shadow on the water.

Not surprised. Even Avatar needed a lot of post process to stabilize and color correct the plates between each eye. Cameron's magical cameras were flawed but luckily they had a boat load of money to throw at it.

I for one welcome our TSA overlords.

He was just asking them how much it would cost to do the entire movie in slow motion.

I use streaming quite a bit but still enjoy disks for better quality and sound plus the instant library is still lacking.

@BubbaZanetti: I know, but that's what makes it so awesome.

It was just going home to mommy.

That Deathly Hallows animation in Harry Potter was amazing.

@Serge.: Unfortunately American youth has turned that into a peace sign.

@ossuary: Buffy the Studio Executive Slayer.

This internet thing doesn't store our comments does it?

Why won't TSA employees band together and refuse to do this? Oh right, $5-an-hour power is oh so sweet.

@dan.p: Why wouldn't it work? You seem so quick to shoot down everyone's ideas right after saying no one is coming up with any then by all means back your counter-arguments with something other than "no, that won't work". Sorry I bit your troll bait.

@dan.p: So you've missed all the posts that talk about Israeli airport security being some of the safest, non-invasive security in the world? The fact that there are many other existing security practices in other countries that are just as effective without humiliating people? There are plenty of answers and examples

@Interstella5555: I'm pretty sure most of the comments supporting this are by people without children.