
It would have been great if when they used this technology for the first time, all Greek sculptures were found to have been painted like sad hobo clowns.

@branchan: How else are you going to know when they are about to trip you in an attempt to kill you?

My wife used this kind of bag to sew into cat and baby toys. It's perfect for keeping the kiddies/kitties entertained.

It's interesting how the oceans are getting more of these algae blooms which is changing the ecosystem. It can be poisonous to your average sea creatures yet yummy for jellyfish. It's as if the oceans are returning to a more primordial state.

OK, I'll say it. A plastic surgeon driving off a cliff while tweeting about his dog and the dog being the only survivor with no innocent people hurt is pretty awesome.

@TVGenius: Agreed. Meteors burn up in less than a second. Look how much the sky rotates while a single plane is moving in frame.

The Spiderman costumes are so when the other employees see Spiderman fall to his death, morale will improve.

Maybe it's one of those plates Joseph Smith conveniently could not show anyone then lost.

Look at Superman, hovering when he can just stand with the rest of them. What a cocky bastard.

This headline made me think of whales with freakin' laser beams attached to their heads. I don't know why.

The other night I watched 'Corvette Summer' which I used to watch as a kid. That movie is more disco than Saturday Night Fever. Annie Potts had the awesome hooker van with a water bed in the back. She seduces Luke right after he joined the Rebellion.

@ImmaLion: So you're saying it's a gateway photo?

Tommy needs to die. He's the new Eggs in my opinion.

The only question I want answered is, "why do we keep thinking we'll get answers to Lost?"


@Mycophage: Not yet. When I'm finished using my baby for my other medical experiments I'll try that out.