You aren’t going to believe this, but they sell two versions of what you want already!
You aren’t going to believe this, but they sell two versions of what you want already!
The thing that I think keeps the “flying car” idea alive is the concept/novelty of making flight as accessible as regular driving. This should never happen. Think of how many useless shitwits you encounter on the roads, you really want them having another axis of movement, specifically one over your head? Even if it’s…
This shows just how unstable, how insane, how dangerous these Christo Fascists really are and that included Crazy Eyes Handmaiden Barret.
Organized religion is fucking stupid, antiquated and it’s sheep/followers are dangerous
Does Barrett know the names and she's of all her children? How many nannies does she have?
Ah, this is what we call them in English:
And if you takes you more than 6 months to figure out that you hate it, then you likely would be getting well below MSRP.
Articulated lorries.
That pretty much covers it. ;-)
I’m concerned with the cost of flight training as well. The Air Force isn’t the pilot mill it used to be. I’m currently paying about $165/hr for training and even that gets really expensive That said, I’m on the side of getting lead out of planes.
“And no most folks aren’t rich kids learning to fly as hobby theres a lot of young folks looking to make careers and older folks switching careers.”
damper == shock absorber
Can we also institute a penalty box vote for particularly egregious suggestions? There weren’t any in this particular instance, but boy have have there been some really shitty ones, such as “Go $20,000/33% over budget!” and “You asked for a new car? Try this junker for the 60's instead!”
If it makes you feel better, after years of Top Gear most of us, especially enthusiasts, would have understood you immediately, and most of the rest would have figured it out from context.
Perfect answer, here, have another star!
While I never tried it and it likely varies by state, there’s always the option to register it yourself. If it’s like MA, he could have bought it and transferred his plates from his previous vehicle to the Bronco and he’d have 10 days to register it.
WRX hatch would be the answer here, but Subaru forgot how to make those.
Parts availability for this truck is probably slightly worse than a GM truck, which is to say you will be able to get most parts forever.
There will be parts availability on a Ford F-Series pretty much up until the Sun consumes the Earth. It’s a safe bet in this case, and that 7.3 will still be running by then too.
I’m not sure if it’s just me, but car prices have made me maintain, clean and insure my fleet like they are the last cars I’ll be able to afford. When I bought my truck 6 years ago, I assumed I’d upgrade when something better came out.
I suspect there is an emotional attachment to this vehicle by the purchaser,