geezer engineer

The university also announced the opening of the new “Go Fuck Yourself” Olympic sized swimming pool filled with white tears.

“Would you feel safer on the streets of Chicago or at the insurrection?”

Funny - you missed the point completely. 

I’ll take Unintentionally Ironic AF for $1000, Alex.

Being in a union worked out well for me and I’m very grateful. Being able to have a voice without repercussions is a good thing. However just like anything else there are bad apples. Solidarity forever.

There is no doubt ALL conservatives have mental health issues. It still does not give them a pass. Because it’s mostly self inflicted.

Few people on earth have damaged our democracy as much as Newt Gingrich. I consider him to be on the same level as Reagan and McConnell. I look forward to the day he dies. Which reminds me...

They didn’t lose their lives. They were KILLED.

Been running into this from Ford dealers all over the LA area as well.

Nope, that is external from the cylinder. Prechambers are in direct connection with the cylinder, not closed off by a valve.

Because it’s a residential cruse ship not a superyacht. 

Why are you so stuck on this? It’s not like the roll cage is giving the car a serious performance advantage. They put the cage in it to be legal for Pikes Peak, not because it would drop a tenth of a second at Laguna. 

117 luxury residences, so it’s like luxury sea condominiums, or a cruise ship without the nasty plebes.

I love the quiet

A man walks into a doctor’s office.

Man, it’s always nice to see this type of specific knowledge dropped out of the blue. Makes me miss the days of car-specific forums.

Time to put the Captain Pedantic hat on. That interior fabric is herringbone, not houndstooth.

Also time to review all that coroners’ previous calls, esp with minorities.

Interested to see how the bootlickers defend this one.

the rear tires rub when accelerating? doesn’t sound like this safari car could even handle a speed bump. garbage.