geezer engineer

My Ninja zx14r (1.4l sportbike) gets about 35mpg, but my Africa Twin, which is a 1 liter twn with half the horsepower as the ninja gets 50mpg. The vehicle is smaller than a car, but the HP/weight ratio is much higher. So the engine size/power difference is smaller than the vehicle weight difference.

I can say that you can feel an 1800lb horse move in a semi pulling horses, and (in different rig) you can feel hanging sides of beef move in the trailer. (Though in the latter case it can be a significant part of the load.)

Isn’t that a camry?

Newman’s are so much better, and come in other flavors

IF they were shills they would have spelled Hyundai correctly in the title.

Pat, I’d like to buy a ‘Y’

Plus manual transmission, transfer case, and hubs.

Wire gauge required is determined by amperage and temperature rating (which is dependent on wire type and whether it’s in conduit), and can depend on distance for very long runs.

I bought 1password years and years ago, but unfortunately they have switched to a monthly rental pricing scheme. I will never buy fee/rental based software, but bitwarden is good also and free.

No, the blame is with FB. I don’t use it, but my wife does. 6 weeks ago her account was hacked, password changed, etc, and FB’s recovery mechanism is completely broken. So she’s gotten it to the point where she gets notifications, but the recovery via sending ID or video selfies is just completely broken. And I get

I’m hoping the one below that is “LUBE INSTALLED”

Friend that got wiped out by a brodozer in his newish VW wagon went and bought a near mint PT Cruiser to tide them and family over until sanity returns.

I’ve driven that route many times, and will again tomorrow, though starting west of boston. I’ll wave.

It depends on the state.

At this point he has to make it his career, because aside from being Gaetz’s “intern,” where else is he going to get a job? Fox News?

Over 8.5 feet in length needs an oversize permit to go anywhere.

That’s highly dependent on the states, which set their own standards.

Broken odometer itself should get a branded title in most states, AFAIK.

Just flag in CL. I just did (and always do).

I think those wheels only allow dialing even numbers.