geezer engineer

I don’t like the horn placement. All my bikes (admittedly, all Kawasaki Ninjas) had the horn lowest on the left side, and turn signal above it. I’m annoyed that my Africa Twin has the horn above the turn signal, but still on the front face of the control assembly. That has the button up higher, almost on the top.

Every software engineering grad. In my region, they’ll start at 60-70K with a BS, and 20K more with a masters degree.

> accusations that teachers were indoctrinating students

> hope the lawsuit will set a new tone for slumlords ...

It won’t happen, but I wish for it to be more trucklike, and specifically, manual hubs and transfer case.

I can tell they’re doing something, since the first time braking after changing directions shifts the shoes enough to get a clunk out of them.

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Here’s a how-to video (or how not to), to help get started:

Since the c-pillars are solid, can you really liken them to flying buttresses? They need to have an arch. So this would qualify:

“we have diversity in our own family and believe that all lives matter”

So they double down on the racist anti-BLM slogan? That’s more telling than their excuses.

And it’s not even the only coffin lot in the auction:

Only gasoline powered vehicles, and only in specific counties.

Modified is the key point: It should be impossible to do that in a truck new enough to have a diesel particulate filter (DPF). If that was removed, it shows intent to commit an environmental crime, and if there’s a pattern of this, suggests there was intent to (routinely) commit assault.

inevitable end state:

I like trucks, not as fashion but for utility. So this has some appeal:

I think it’s interesting that it’s been substantially debadged, including the dash cover? So it’s the reliability of a lotus/kia hybrid, with the prestige of a kia?

Heavy trucks are where it’s at for vehicular lighting fetishists:

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I was going to suggest this guy, but it looks like they don’t have it any more.
This spot in the video he explains that the supra provides performance, but not really excitement, as compared to his other options.

When pressed into foil, my wife pronounces it “tin.”

If we motorcyclists can learn to shift with our left foot, you can certainly learn to do it with your left hand.
It’s just like the concern non-motorcyclists have about brake controls different from bicycles: you just get used to it, just like you get used to not pedaling a motorcycle, nor clutching on a bicycle.

Tailgates need to support point loads, like the top of a motorcycle ramp, or sliding heavy things out.