
So what I’m hearing is, wait until someone wrecks one, pull the motor, and drop it into a BRZ.

This is a Saab I would consider buying.

Owner decided it was actually too reliable and wanted to step up to a Range Rover.

Maybe it is the L-car replacement? Those exhaust tips do look FCA-ish...

Yes it definitely, and it rules.

It’s a hot hatchover

$30 handies, you can double down and keep an edge.

If I start doling out $50 blowies I should be able to afford 1 of these by my 80th birthday (I'm 36)

But for us consumers, there will be a rear-wheel drive configuration available.

Jokes like this is what warrants a visit from the NSA. Just a kind reminder...

I hate how nice this looks and I hate how I kinda want one.

nothing more expensive than cheap German muscle.

Aaaaaand I would still buy it with the stick. If I am going to go careening in a group of people at cars and coffee, I want to be fully engaged.

Sounds like a car with a lot of power and the driver bogs it out of every gear. It seriously sounds worse every time I listen to that video.

Thanks for making an article about my bitter comment from last night, Tom. Some of us still care about using terms properly.

Hey don’t tell anyone but sometimes I record basketball games without the express written consent of the National Basketball Association.

How many reasonably affordable cars are available with RWD and V8’s outside of a dodge dealer? It doesn’t hurt they haul both dirt and ass.

Because Murica.

Because some people like trucks.