Ok, Woody. I’ve seen your defenses all over these threads.
Ok, Woody. I’ve seen your defenses all over these threads.
I would say, “times have changed” and Woody’s point of view is no longer culturally relevant. The world has moved on and left Woody behind.
I know it’s trite to say, “who gives a shit?” but who gives a shit?
“Grab ‘em by the p**sy”
I do think trump is a rapist. I also think that trump is not capable of achieving an erection.
since the invention of the microtransaction, one time purchases have died off in the mainstream.
So... don’t wear a fake cast in an attempt to gain the sympathy of women and lure them into a van?
I think the song gave them an excuse to yell a word they wanted to yell.
Ah, ISIS was defeated in one specific city in one specific country. Got it. You should try being more accurate with your statements. You made it sound like ISIS was literally defeated, which is very far from true.
McConnell and Ryan are obedient little goons, aren’t they?
I think he’ll say it during his resignation speech and it will be in reference to Obama.
Yeah, it’s like opening a garage card room and saying that everyone is guaranteed to win $1 every hand, so therefore it’s not gambling when we play with $500 pots.
Because the 1970's are not the 2000's. Things change.
the defeat of ISIS.
I’m on a NSA list for starring his comment...
I like your style, but I think I prefer he have a stroke and spend a decade in a chair shitting himself while Jared and Ivanka wipe him.
Roy Moore is a pedophile and the republican party is 100% corrupt.
I think its more that 2017 has proved that “love conquers all” is objectively untrue.
U2 sucks.