
Renting games is one of those things that just kind of went away without us realizing it. I accidentally rented Super Mario RPG when it first came out. I didn’t know what RPG stood for at the time but just thought, cool new Mario game. I would not have bought it had I known the style as my only experience with turn

Came here to say the same but figured on a technicality he’s not playing Ebenezer Scrooge so that disqualified him. Even moreso since they’re filming a TV version of scrooge in the movie, someone else is in fact cast as scrooge. That being said, if Clueless can be a Jane Austen adaptation in this list I think we’re

I think it’s like how movies tend to be scarier when they don’t have budget to show the monster. Nobody is scared of extremely detailed cgi ghosts or demons, but show me a vague shadow standing in a doorway and it will keep me up at night for a week.

I don't really mind the epic ones because you go through the store checkout etc and are just getting a 100% discount. But what really annoys me is the Amazon fire TV apps which when installed send a receipt as if you bought something on Amazon. Those also make me think I accidentally added a subscription to something

The planet exploring got more pointless each game. ME1, drive around the planet, explore, find bases, fight enemies. ME2 send probes, follow signals, find bases and maybe secrets. ME3, find the one or two planets in the system with a signal. Pointless have to scan and reveal the one and only spot that on the planet.

Thirty years ago a flight Sim the likes of which MS just released was a fantasy to all us that played the DOS version. As tech improves it will be more likely for fantasy to meet reality.

I know this doesn’t apply to most people but if you have a MSDN subscription you can usually download specific release number ISOs which are fully patched. You’ll probably still get a few minor updates but the big feature releases are baked in. If you have a friend or family member who does dotnet development or It

Microsoft has pushed AR developers towards use cases like this with the hololens. The problem they have is everyone tries to build games with it but that’s not what they really want to position themselves for. They envision something like a mechanic working on a car and being able to use AR to guide them, maybe even

Great write up. I’ve always felt arkham games nailed their save system. You could log out at just about any point and return at roughly the same place. Even mid boss fight, if it was multi stage it would only restart you at the same stage rather than make you do the whole thing again. It was very rare to lose more

Oh God I blocked it from memory but you just jogged it. I worked there during that period and there was like a $0.99 on Monday night triple cheeseburger special and it destroyed us. We physically could not keep up with demand because even using every grill we could we could only cook 32 patties every 3 minutes max and

The arch was out when I worked there, I used to make Big Mac using the arch sauce for my break every day. It was amazing, I miss that pretty much every day of my life.

I worked at McDonald’s late 90s and the cheddar melt was a special promotion every year. The terryaki is added to the onions when they’re cooked on the grill which is probably why you don’t recognize it, it’s subtle. We actually had to caramelize the raw onions on the grill and I think the sugar in the terryaki helped

Probably pretty anticlimactic tourney year when the town drunk shows up to fight Goro after killing Johnny Cage in a head on collision.

There are always going to be trolls and liars on the internet, they’re all pieces of shit, but let’s not ignore the real problem is people who pick up the pitchforks right away without considering that it might be bullshit. I don’t follow reddit drama typically but all weekend I kept seeing this story in my feed

I live in the city and my tips are slightly different. First never take a cart, only a hand basket then you can never buy more than you can carry. Second, in my case the store nearest me is open 24/7 and shopping late at night is awesome. Sometimes (most times) I’d go to bar, have a few pops while I make a grocery

I think it’s because drastic changes in visual style and technology kind of apexed around that time. Video games and movies look better today, but only as a natural progression from the prior generation (some CGI looks worse today). We got smart phones around that time and though they’ve evolved not they’re generally

I’m with others in that I can’t say there are many boss fights I truly enjoyed outside that satisfaction of beating them. Typically I dread boss fights and find them stressful not enjoyable. 

When I worked at McDonald’s in the late 90s we had a crispy chicken deluxe sandwich that came out when the arch deluxe did. It was pretty good, but the mayo was the same basic mayo as everything else. I’m not sure when that iteration was discontinued but it was decent. Looks similar to this, wonder is this a

At work I often get included on email chains mid way through a lengthy discussion without much background. Recently trying to figure out what the hell was being asked of me reading the full email chain, someone was using the singular form of they to refer to a single person but it was unclear initially if they were

Barenaked ladies?