
I blame our shorter school days and years.

"I just realized that Gremlins is an allegory about child-rearing. Only took me four decades to realize it"

It's clearly BS. If it happened like he said why wouldn't she have answered while he was yelling at the "intruder" in the bathroom. Nobody would fire blindly through their bathroom door like this without warning. And if it really did happen that way he still deserves to be locked up for being a fucking moron.

Well thank god the news never shows violence.

Capital One taking over ING is exactly the reason I'm curious about Simple. Also a feature it provide that ING doesn't is savings goals. I've always wanted to be able to auto save say $100 a month for a goal ( say saving for a car) and have that money in a seperate pool from my savings account. That's not possible

My dad used to make me clean up the dog shit in the back yard. That sucked pretty hard. Trying to avoid stepping on a landmine while turd hunting on a hot day. Carrying around a garbage bag full of pure doggy vengeance (my dog hated me and I'm convinced it shit extra to piss me off) that got surprisingly heavy

In two years that iPhone won't be supported by Apple and won't be able to run the latest iOS. You'll hit fragmentation on the apps store as more and more apps update to the lastest version and won't install. Not saying one is better than the other, but that any 2 year old phone starts to hit that issue.

Yeah that happens a lot with classics. I didn't watch the Godfather in it's entirety until I was in my early 20's (around the year 2000) and I kind of felt the same way, "it was good, but what's the big deal"? It's sort of hard to appreciate how fresh and interesting those films were at the time when we're surrounded

Who thought removing narration was a good idea? Ridley Scott. I believe the voice overs were the studio's idea in the first place and he always hated it. Show, don't tell and all that.

You have a 19 year old girl ask them to.

That was my point buddy, I don't get the outrage of the drones when the alternative still results in a dead child. Not sure where I implied that I'm for this war or any war.

How do you fit a cat in there?

I get that, but for decades we've been able to fire and have fired cruise missles from warships miles way that the enemy has no chance of destroying either. I don't understand why one things is worse than the other.

Are you saying that the drones strikes circumvent those acts? Wouldn't these same "assassinations" be carried out by our conventional air strikes if we couldn't use drones?

I really don't get the drone controversy. Let's go back in time 15 years and play out this same scenario. A target is chosen, a pilot drops a laser guided missile onto it from miles above and it's destroyed. He never even sees the bomb go off let alone kill a child. He probably never even learns he's killed a child.

It's actually true that technology has advanced while battery tech has remained rather stagnant. I'm just an arm chair scientist, but I believe it's because we're basically at the physical limitation of chemical batteries. We've improved them slightly over the past 20 years with things like Lithium Ion but it's still

Yeah he was a beast the two weeks that meant nothing since I'd clinched. Needed some love from him last night, no such luck.

I think they purposely throttle it so you can't. They don't have enough bandwidth to allow it, which I imagine would be the same problem if planes ever start providing wifi. That's why this is a major lacking feature of an apps like this.

I hate Comcast but I will say this app pretty nice. This feature has the potential to make it amazing. I honestly never thought they'd add offline mode, it's sorely needed for these types of apps. Chances are if I want to watch TV on my phone I'm not at home and not near a Wifi that would allow that kind of bandwidth

I had to learn to program 370 assembly language for an old job. Very interesting to learn, but it really makes you appreciate modern programming languages.